Images of the Grand Island winter farmers market

The Grand Island Farmers Co-op held a winter market at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Items that were available for purchase included hot soup, fresh popcorn, meat, honey, eggs, baked goods, and Grand Island souvenirs. It was a social event and many people enjoyed each other’s company over a bowl of hot soup. Here are some of the images of the market:

This sign says it all. Support the agriculture in your community. There are a number of reasons for this. Local is best because the food is fresher. It is transported shorter distances and it is not kept in storage for long periods of time. Also, when you buy local food, you are supporting your community and you are supporting families within your community.

When you go to a farmers market, you are buying directly from the farmers who produced the food. You meet the people who provide the food that goes on your table and you form relationships. I have found that to be true for me. I buy my eggs from Tom Thompson. I know where those eggs came from. When I walk past his farm house, I often see chickens running around in the yard. So I know that they are free range chickens and are not cooped up in very small, claustrophobic spaces.

Local farms mean that open space is preserved. Open space means more room for native animals and plants. Too much development takes away habitat for these native species. While it’s good to have some development, it’s also good to protect open space.

Showing off the wonderfully fresh eggs. I consider myself fortunate enough to buy all of my eggs from local farmers. I know that my eggs are fresh and that they will be tasty. Sometimes, when I break open an egg, I find a double yolk, which is an added treat.

This young man chose farming two years ago. In the summer of 2015, at the age of thirteen, he was looking for work. He had mowed lawns, raked leaves, and shoveled snow. He observed that these were all seasonal jobs, and he wanted to do something that he could continue year round. His father told him that he should try raising chickens. His father raised chickens as a teenager. That is just what he did, with the support of his father. He said, “My dad was happy to share his knowledge and experience with me. We started in October of 2015, rebuilding one of his old chicken coops and order 40 chickens for delivery in March of 2016… six months later, we had our first eggs.” His goals include producing maple syrup and raising bees.

Robin has bee hives on her property, an 1864 farmhouse. Here she is with one of the lovely bottles filled with delicious honey. There are debates about whether local raw honey will actually help alleviate pollen allergies. Honey is a good source of antioxidants and it is healing. It helps with digestive issues and it helps in relieving the pain of a sore throat.

Also, adding honey and lemon to a cup of tea makes for delicious tea.

Did I mention that the packaging is really cute?

Mmm, look at all of these delicious baked goods

Try before you buy… lovely and most delicious taste tests.

Here are some wonderful teas for your next tea party.

Natural remedies, hand made.

souvenirs of Grand Island.

And, of course, something romantic. Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday!

Here are Robin’s candles.

This is Steve. He also sells fresh eggs. During the growing season, he grows a great variety of produce, including lots and lots of garlic. 

Steve and Trish collect rocks and they always bring some of their collection to all of the farmers markets that they attend. They are beautifully labeled and quite colorful. The rocks, like the food that we eat, come from the earth, which gives us all that we need to live healthy lives.

All in all, it was a good way to spend a very wet afternoon. I hope that you, too, had a good Sunday. What made your day interesting? Tell me in the comments section.

3 thoughts on “Images of the Grand Island winter farmers market”

  1. I enjoy farmer's markets a lot, but I am also waiting for the growing season to begin. A couple of my favorites have not been at market lately (we have an indoor market now, which meets every Saturday from 9 to 1) and the variety does dwindle this time of year. Some of your market's prices aren't bad.

  2. I enjoy supporting local farmers. As long as the prices aren't outrageous. We have a farmers market in town that prices are double what is in the store. I don't shop there. As I can't afford it. Now I will run across farmers via flea markets or other things happening it town. They tend to have more reasonable prices and I will buy from there. Last year I went to a local festival within an hours drive from my home. I ended buying honey, apple butter, peach butter and apple cider.

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