Note: On Sunday, I started a new photography project. I will take at least one photograph a day for the entire year, following a program called the 52-week photography challenge for 2017. It is being organized by Dogwood Photography, located in Wilmington, North Carolina. Dogwood Photography operates a photography school in Wilmington and it runs online photography challenges. There are weekly assignments in three categories: story telling, technical, and artistic impression.
Today is the first in a series of 52 updates of the project. The challenge for this week was the rule of thirds and to use it as a story telling technique.
The “rule of thirds” is a composition technique in photography. The idea behind it is that, when the subject is off center, the picture is more interesting and it looks more natural than a picture in which the subject is placed in the middle of the picture.
For more information about the rule of thirds, take a look at the link below:
Below are seven photographs of the same bear. I chose the bear as the model for the rule of thirds and I placed him in a different pose each day.

January 1st: Here I am, a bear with magical, statistical, and mystical cats. |
January 2nd: I’m ready to be served my meal now! |
January 3rd: Shall we dance? |
January 4th: Out to eat! Yay!!! |
January 5th: Caught with my legs and my hands in a cookie jar. |
January 6th: Reading the newspaper is such hard work! I’m so tired. I’ll just sleep on top of the newspaper. |
January 7th: It’s too cold to go to the park so I’ll just imagine. |
Too cute! This Bear will have quite a year ahead! Good luck!
I love how the bear is taking an adventure
It's been a while since we've seen your bear in action. He or she will have a busy year ahead illustrating your new photography skills.