November 2016

Take a break from the election, part two (handling a difficult “mental health day”)

Synopsis of yesterday’s post:  Today and yesterday, I’ve been talking about taking a break from the election (feel free to vote if you are a registered voter in the United States). (If you don’t live in the United States, I am very sorry that this tedious spectacle was inflicted on you.)  This process has been

Take a break from the election, part two (handling a difficult “mental health day”) Read More »

Brooklyn’s boy martyr and other fife and drum tales

Synopsis of yesterday’s post:  Jim Pace and Brian Siebel of the Union Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps were the featured presenters at the Grand Island Historical Society’s November meeting. They shared the story of field musicians during the Civil War through story and music. They talked about their instruments (fife and drum) and they talked

Brooklyn’s boy martyr and other fife and drum tales Read More »

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