reflections on unexpected change

Late in March, I had chosen my theme for both the Apri A to Z blogging challenge and the Ultimate Blogging Challenge, also scheduled for April. I was planning on going on lots of walks and taking lots of photographs, which I would then share. But I was unable to follow through for several reasons:
- it got cold and snowed (that’s just rude, really)
- the wind got strong and howly, which made walking feel far from fun
- then, to add to the entertainment value, I caught COVID-19, turned into Toxic Tina, and had to quarantine.

I was spending much more time at home than I had anticipated. Which made it hard for me to take photographs. My apartment looks the same all of the time. It’s not interesting enough to photograph ad infinitum. Nevertheless, I still needed images. How was I going to generate images when all I really wanted to do was to sleep? I thought about that, but not for long because I kept falling into a deep sleep. I was thoroughly exhausted, which, apparently, is a symptom of COVID-19. Fortunately, I didn’t combine exhaustion with insomnia so, when I lay down for a nap or for the night, I was off to dreamland (or nightmareland) for the duration.

And poems. I wrote poems. All about imagery but not as many words as prose. I was still sleepy, even after several days, but I could see how my blog was changing and adapting. Or maybe, how I was changing and adapting. I did not fulfill my original goal for my blog, but I adjusted and let my blog lead the way. I took the twists and turns and felt the feels and experienced the experiences. Because my blog has always been spontaneous, I could change its direction if necessary.
“Sometimes life goes in a direction not of our choosing. That’s why we need to adapt. It’s never too late to change direction… [Gamache] knew the young minister was wrong, sometimes it was too late.”
“ Louise Penny, Bury Your Dead

… And am happy with the direction that my blog took me on. I didn’t know that I had all of that poetry inside of me. I also never imagined that I would create modernistic art, just for the sake of it. Just for the sake of shapes and colors and an imagination that stayed healthier than my body. Life plays tricks on you like that.

The blogging challenges have ended, but the art challenges continue. Check back in a few days to see what I do next with my very fun gouache paints!!!
Great to hear that you enjoyed the month and that you rose to the challenge.
Thank you, Steve. It was definitely an adventure!
Congratulations on finishing the challenge! I hope you’re feeling better.
Congrats on finishing the challenge! And isn’t it great that one can adapt to change?
Ronel visiting for A-Z Challenge Reflections 2022
So great that you followed your muse and let it roll. Congrats on finishing the challenge! I’ll check out some of your posts before I go…
Thank you so much! I am thankful that I was able to do that.
Well, first, I owe you an apology. Your blog somehow fell off my blogroll (it’s back on now) and I am so far behind in reading for A to Z. So I wanted to give you a big virtual hug of celebration for finishing and winning A to Z. This was a challenge for you like no other, and I can’t imagine using COVID as a kind of muse (for lack of a better word). But you did, and I hope you have recovered completely. Congratulations! Now all I have to do is go back and catch up on some of your posts.
Hi Alana, it’s so good to hear from you! For sure, COVID was a big twist and it derailed my plans, but life has to evolve, so it did. I have recovered completely, and am looking forward to summer!!!!!!
“an imagination that stayed healthier than my body” – is a great phrase. Glad you made it through! (Through Covid and through the challenge.) My husband and I both got Covid a couple months ago. His was worse than mine, but yes – the exhaustion! I’m impressed you stuck with the challenge!
(Visiting reflections posts because I didn’t visit as many as I’d hoped during A to Z.)
Hi Red, thank you so much!!!! It was definitely a wild ride and, when I actually finished the challenge, I could scarcely believe it. It was on the 30th that I finally tested negative again, so I knew that I was getting better, although I was still very sleepy. I hope that you and your husband are feeling better!