The silence of the sea

Today, I am participating in a challenge, called #writing wednesday. I found the challenge on another blog. There was a list of ten words and the challenge was to use anywhere from four to ten words in the blog post. 

Here are the ten words: walk, darling, sand, taunt, silence, trap, blood, reason, right, brittle

I watch you dance barefooted in the sand
right where the silence meets the lapping sea,
waves rhythmically crashing on rocky land,
as you leap, my darling, you fly free.

Right where the silence meets the lapping sea,
that brittle silence that may soon break.
Waves rhythmically crash on a rock strewn lea,
the hollow noise bends reason into a dull ache.

That brittle silence that may soon break
the trap of brokenness that holds me earthbound.
The hollow noise bends reason into a dull ache,
old taunts filling my ears with meaningless sound.

The trap of brokenness that holds me earthbound
keeps me unable to join your magical dance.
Old taunts fill my ears with meaningless sound
and chill my blood with unwanted remembrance.

Do not keep me unable to join the magical dance,
sad memories; you must release your grip,
Cease chilling my blood with unwanted remembrance
of old shadows with power to crush and to rip.

Sad memories, you must release your grip,
I rise and walk to the water’s edge to join the dance, 
Rejecting old shadows with power to crush and to rip.
Letting go of fear, I embrace the sea’s vast expanse.

Here is a link to the blog post which presented the challenge: creative writing project with preselected words

7 thoughts on “The silence of the sea”

  1. I love the rhythm to it, Alice. πŸ™‚ A musical quality to the verse, and the setting in the photograph. Thank you so much for writing on the prompt. πŸ˜€

  2. Alice, what a wonderful piece. I noticed a pattern in your writing. Is this a style of poetry? (ex. Haiku)

    I was right there with you on the beach and wanting so much for you to reunite.

  3. I liked the way your words flow effortlessly and so rhythmically, Alice. Very impressive.
    Is this a pantoum form of poetry?

  4. I really hope she went for a swim not do anything harmful. Loved the flow of your poem and expressive the verses are. Would like to know the poetry form πŸ™‚

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