The tale of the lost cell phone case

Note:  In March, I purchased a Smart Phone to replace my dying Stupid Phone. I had the Stupid Phone for three years before it passed away. I also purchased a case for the phone. It was not attached to the phone, and I tend to misplace things quite readily. I was not sure that this was a good idea, but I needed a case, and that was it. Regularly, I had to search for the case because I couldn’t remember where I put it. A few days ago, the case vanished and all attempts to locate it resulted in failure. 

Since I could not find the case, I decided to make a replacement for it. I was all set to start crocheting when I remembered that I had a bunch of granny squares of various sizes. I had made too many squares for several projects and I had leftovers. I reached into my bag of granny squares and came up with this:
This granny square turned out to be exactly the right size for the phone. I needed to sew a lining for the case, so I chose this very sturdy blue cloth.

This is the completed liner, with the granny square.

I added a shank button and added enough yarn so that the cell phone case could be closed. The cell phone fits snugly within its case.

So, voila! One new cell phone case, made from materials that were readily at hand!

My question to you: What sorts of things do you make from materials at hand (any sort of medium… crocheting, sewing, woodworking, etc.)?

3 thoughts on “The tale of the lost cell phone case”

  1. I tend to want to start a project with brand new yarn that has caught my fancy, so I never use odds and ends. I'd better start to use all my old yarn. I'm not immortal and I'm the only crocheter in the family.

  2. That looks beautiful. I love DIY things and how I wish I was creative. Are you keeping your phone and the case safe now? 😉

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