The 366 day photography project,week 44

The last Sunday in May was warm, wonderful, and full of color. For me, just sheer delight. Spring is my favorite season because it is the season of rebirth and of beautiful pastel colors. By the end of May, the trees are dressed in green, and some of them are still flowering.
Plants grow through the cracks in the sidewalks.

A purple iris, with just a touch of yellow.

On Monday, I did an interview with Natalie and her daughter Sarah. They are both cancer survivors. Each one is this year’s Honorary Survivor and Honorary Caregiver for Relay for Life. In 2014, while a student at Duke University, Sarah was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Her mom was there with her for every one of her chemotherapy appointments. A year later, three days after Sarah was given the good news that her cancer was in remission, Natalie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sarah helped her mom out, just as her mom had done for her.

Natalie is now cancer free. Both Natalie and Sarah came through the experience with their bubbly personalities intact. Here is a link to the article: inspirational story about cancer survivors

ground cover.


There were so many white globes of joy on this tree that some of the branches look bent over.

Springtime produces the most amazing colors.

Seen when walking to my hairdresser appointment. 

Shiny stuff at beauty parlor!

In the garden outside of the Niagara Dance Centre.

On Wednesday, I go to work at an overgrown garden that is full of weeds and color. I get to work on removing the weeds so that the color can shine even more.

Abandoned snail shell in a garden.

On Thursday, I go to Stella Niagara for the last painting class of the academic year (September through June). We have a pot-luck lunch, which we eat outside, and then we paint.

Squirrel on the lookout for…something… there long enough to be photographed.

Saint Michael the Archangel, overlooking the Niagara Gorge.

Images of Stella Niagara, incomplete when time expired. I may try doing images of different locations, in a similar style. For example: downtown Buffalo or Delaware Park or Buckhorn Island State Park. 

Inside the Pottery at Stella Niagara, there is pottery.

In the evening, I go to River Lea for the last get-together of the Grand Island Historical Society.

The gardens are blooming. Inside, we have a catered dinner, and two new officers are installed: a new corresponding secretary and a new treasurer.

Mmmmm, dessert!

Marty Biniasz offers a lively history of the Erie County Fair. The first fair was actually in 1820. This year, Erie County will have its 171st county fair.

This is a view of the midway from a fair long ago.

On Friday, I saw all of these men working nearby, and I decided to take pictures, to continue my sporadic “work as spectator sport” theme. I do a fair amount of work outside, but it is very entertaining to see other people do work, because they use big tools and enormous machines, which I find to be very entertaining.

I walk by all sorts of gardens on my way to see the Woodstream block sale. Garage sales at more than 35 different houses! 

Dance recital at Niagara Falls High School! Here are the Heist ladies: Rose, Maria, Amy, and Autumn.

I am dressed up as a flapper!

I’m ready to step out on stage and make my debut as a tap dancer!

Here is Miss Cathy’s adult beginner tap dance group: from left, Alice, Amy, Laura, Rose, and Suzette.

Next week: Images from the Voices for Creative Nonviolence walk through Illinois to say that it’s time to end mass incarceration!

1 thought on “The 366 day photography project,week 44”

  1. As always, enjoyed your pictures. May and June are such wonderful seasons. I haven't done Relay for Life in several years. I know too many people eligible to wear the purple shirts.

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