Thanksgiving food, part one: the bizarre and the inedible

Today, I am writing about culinary disasters that occur on Thanksgiving. I think that culinary disasters are hilarious, so I thought that I would share a few of the bizarre ones that I found on the internet. One of the great things about the internet is that you can find some really funny stuff. So here are some ideas for  “treats” that hardly anyone will want on their Thanksgiving table. I say “hardly anyone” because taste is so individual. What is hilariously inedible to me is a delicacy to someone else. So here goes: a list of ten of the most bizarre and inedible dishes:

On the Little Things website (click the link in the next set of parentheses) (Little Things), there was an article in which fourteen bad food items were described in graphic detail.

Here are a few unappetizing selections:

  • OK, so if you made the gravy but, alas, the turkey ended up on the floor or if the dog ate it, you could still make use of the gravy. Cook up a frozen pizza (you probably won’t be able to order out on Thanksgiving) and use the gravy as a topping. 
  • How about canned cranberry sauce topped with pineapples and olive, while still in the can? To eat, you have to scoop the cranberry sauce with a spoon. Individual portions for each person. When opening the can, make sure that there are no jagged edges to avoid embarrassing accidents. In my community, if you call the fire company for medical help, half of the town will appear at your house. It will entertain the neighbors and a few passing drivers, who will rubber neck and crash their vehicles.
  • How about ambrosia salad, flavored with syrupy canned fruit, bird seed, and Cool Whip? You also get treated to mini marshmallows and sweetened coconut. I an not a fan of any of these ingredients but the bird seed was a little too much yuck for me. Here is the website, in parentheses (really bad side dishes)
  • put the salad dressing in one spray bottle and the gravy in another. It’s an odd method of additive delivery, which could lead to monumental food fights. Wear old clothes and cover the floor with plastic drop cloths.
  • How about candied yams covered with marshmallows and then cooked? You might want to invite your dentist to dinner, just in case you need immediate professional help.
Enough yuck? Don’t cancel Thanksgiving yet! Tomorrow, I will share some really delicious Thanksgiving foods!
Today’s question: What are some culinary disasters that you’ve experienced on Thanksgiving? 

1 thought on “Thanksgiving food, part one: the bizarre and the inedible”

  1. For all the fond memories I have of my Aunt and Uncle in Brooklyn where my Dad and I ate Thanksgiving dinner during my teen aged years, one not-so-fond memory is the yams with marshmallows I endured. And, oh yes, the bitter roasted chestnuts. The rest of the meal, though, was delicious.

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