Floral delight

Today, I continue to take you along with me, as I explore the lovely gardens of Grand Island. Here are some of the beautiful flowers that I saw on the adventure. They are the thing that makes summer so sweet and joyful. As the plants come into their radiant glory in early summer, the world feels as if it is full of magical color. It is a season of sheer delight. Everything is bright, alive, and full of the sweetness of things that do not last forever. Below are the flowers that made the garden walk so special.

I hope that you enjoy this photo gallery of summertime floral happiness. Please feel free to talk about the things that make summertime special for you in the comment section below.

4 thoughts on “Floral delight”

  1. Just gorgeous! While I’m not fond of summer’s humidity, I agree that the colors, flowers and foliage are spectacular! Vivian

  2. What beautiful flowers, Alice! I especially love the daisies and the sunflower!
    thank you so much for sharing these beauties!

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