It looks like this gentleman is leaning against some sort of discharge pipeline for his fishing experience.It seems like a very bizarre image.
It looks like this gentleman is leaning against some sort of discharge pipeline for his fishing experience.It seems like a very bizarre image.
I’ve been watching the Canada geese since early spring. I saw them swimming with little goslings back in the late spring. I’ve seen those little goslings grow feathers and learn to fly. They are now full-grown birds, ready to migrate to warmer climates with the others. Recently, I’ve been watching the geese fly in formations
One can find the devastation of industry that failed economically and left nothing but shells of themselves on or near Buffalo’s waterfront.The picture is not entirely bleak. Much work and money has gone into reviving and revitalizing Buffalo’s waterfront.Buffalo, like anything or anyone else, is a work in progress.
Here are some trees along the path that had been damaged in the October 12-13 “surprise storm.”
Here is some of the housing that was built on Buffalo’s waterfront.
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Here is a view of downtown Buffalo from the marina. One of the buildings that can be seen in the background is City Hall.City Hall was designed by architect John Wade, and construction began in 1929. The building officially opened for business in 1931. The design of the building is called “art deco.” Many aspects
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Buffalo’s lighthouse was built in 1833. It is the one of the oldest lighthouses on the Great Lakes.You can find details about the lighthouse at am hoping to go inside of the lighthouse and take a tour! Maybe on another adventure???
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On Friday, November 10, I decided to take a walk down Buffalo’s Riverwalk. It was a bright, clear day, a good day to be outside, experiencing nature and exploring the edges of the city.I started my walk at the marina in downtown Buffalo. In the marina, there are retired battleships and monuments to servicemen and
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This is Smokey. Sometimes we call him Smokey the Bear. Sometimes, we call him Big Boy. My sister likes to call him Guy.Smokey was a stray cat that my sister Diane fed. One day, he managed to sneak into her apartment. Her cat, Abby, was not too thrilled about seeing another cat in her space.
This is Zoe. She is our modern art cat… black and white, sort of like “op art.”Zoe is a feline alarm clock. She meows loudly at my parents’ bedroom door early in the morning. They usually don’t answer until they are ready to. That doesn’t stop her from making long, involved speeches. She has a
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