a summer day without sunshine is…

dreary when you can’t go out to photograph the weeds, which is what you do when you’re still learning how to use your new camera. These weeds sport a lovely color, so it was a good test of the camera. It was a bit hard to focus on the weeds, however. It became apparent that I have a lot to learn about adjusting the zoom and focusing on the subject, especially one of that size.

After about an hour and a half or so (which included a visit to the Niagara Frontier Publications office), I arrived at Town Hall. Here is a tree that was planted fairly recently. Notice that it has a watering bag. It is a very nice circle arrangement and is a pleasure to look at.

Foot bridge from the Town Commons Park to Town Hall.

The foot bridge goes over a creek. I think that it is Woods Creek. It goes through the Town Commons. The banks of the creek are preserved as an example of what the riverbank should look like. As I mentioned in a previous post, the riverbank and the bottom of the creek are called the riparian zone. Planting tall native plants, such as the ones planted here, are the best way to prevent soil erosion and pollution of the creek.

Here is another view of the riparian zone.

Outside of Town Hall, there is a lovely garden. Here are some of the portulacas that were planted. I went into Town Hall to do some interviews for an article that I am writing about an upcoming sale of rain barrels and composting bins. I spoke with Lynn Dingey, who is the town’s assistant civil engineer, and with Town Supervisor Mary Cooke.
I learned that the rain barrels collect rain water, which is good for watering gardens. Having rain barrels also prevents water run off after a storm. As for the composting bins, you put kitchen and yard waste in them. These would include such things as vegetable peelings, eggshells, grass clippings, and old leaves. The heat in the bin speeds up the natural decaying process, and the result is a rich compost for your garden.

After a good adventure on a warm day, I returned home. Zoe was there, also enjoying the sunlight. She likes to bask in a sunray and to sit on the windowsill and listen to the birds. I’ll leave the last word in this blog for Zoe.
MEEEOOOW! (that means “come visit our blog again soon!”)

4 thoughts on “a summer day without sunshine is…”

  1. Meowww! (For Zoe from my little army of cats!) And thank you for the adventurous walk and talk. Keep it up!


  2. Haha The flowers are so pretty, I like to call them wild flowers! Now you have inspired me to take a break and go for a walk. 🙂

  3. I found out that the purple flower grows from a plant called a Canada Thistle. It is an invasive species.

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