#blogboost #WordlessWednesdays
I love work. Supposedly, working hard is better for you than hardly working. Well, maybe. In this Almost Wordless Wednesday, I share some pictures of people working outside on big and small equipment. Take a look at these pictures, and you will see how work is the best. I love being an audience to work. Photographing work as a spectator sport is great fun and it’s also a good way to practice taking action shots. Today’s episode of Work as a Spectator Sport features the installation of a blacktop parking lot.

If work is so good for you, why do many labourers look so out of shape?
They are also dedicated to food. Alas, a little bit too much food!!!! 😀
Good photos! Lia loves watching the road crews work with their backhoes and big trucks. They are doing major under the road work and she is just loving it! I showed her your pictures and loves the scoop and dump truck the best!