winter hearts

Is winter a season? Or a state of being?

Does the coldness last forever? How do you bring warmth to winter, when, outside, everything looks white and barren and lonely.

Fortunately, there are ways to add color to the season.

With color, there is warmth. With imagination, there is color. Therefore, imagination is the tool to bring about warmth and color. In these pictures, there are hearts made of stained glass, clay, and sugar cookies. The hearts are breakable and they may not last forever. But, for this moment, they exist. They are color. They are light and they are hopes and they are dreams.

2 thoughts on “winter hearts”

  1. Those are so sweet. When my son was young, we used to make "fake food" from a type of modeling clay. But I think I would prefer cookies, as you have the smell of them baking, and the taste of them – and, alas, the calories. Winter is both a season and state of mind!

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