Viewing the Hudson River by train

The traffic in New York City was excessive. But, then again, to this nature girl, New York City feels  excessive. It felt especially excessive today. The traffic was slowing the trip to the station via Lyft so drastically that it felt as if we were barely moving.

After riding in a car, followed by a run to Penn Station of several blocks, I arrived four minutes after the train departed. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper.

Fortunately, we found an Amtrak employee named Darlene, who was able to modify my ticket for me.

A few hours later, I was on a train to Buffalo. On the train, I met a few other people who missed the same train that I missed. They said that it was because of all of that traffic.

My visit to New York was very brief. There’s lots to do and lots to see, and I will have to return for a real tourist experience.

This time, however, I had to do most of my “sightseeing” in the train. Today, I took pictures of the Hudson River and the Mohawk River. The sun was shining brightly and it was a good day for photography.

Check back tomorrow for portraits of Chica the cat!

4 thoughts on “Viewing the Hudson River by train”

  1. Beautiful pictures! I have never been to New York. It's on my bucket list, and after viewing your pictures, I believe that when I do visit, a train ride is a must.

  2. I don't think I've seen the Hudson River except in photos. We did take part of a road trips through parts of New York State, but we passed the city on a freeway or toll road — don't remember which since it was back in 1989. I don't much like big cities, especially ones where I was hoping the kids wouldn't look out and see the men urinating in public on the wall next to the road. I thin I saw the Statue of Liberty far off in the distance, but couldn't get close enough to really see it. It was already evening and we had to make Boston before bed.

    I love your photos. In case you haven't guessed, I'm also a country girl. And I love watching rivers.

  3. I've crossed the Hudson many times – by bus, by car. It's usually a beautiful experience, especially when it's sunny and you see the sailboats on the water. I haven't explored the Hudson Valley much, and it's a missing piece of my New York State experience.


    See, had you STAYED in New York,you could have been a happy camper. What happened with you was that you became a dismayed scamper. (The magic of an s….)

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