Baby Bear had fallen asleep in the backpack. He was unaware of being carried into a house, dropped in a corner and then, picked up again and carried again. When the backpack was opened, Baby Bear found himself on a beach. Although he was used to splashing around in the water with his family, this time, he saw the beach in a totally different light.

Although he had walked by the seashells, he had never really noticed them until now. He saw the shapes for the first time. He looked toward the sea and saw the colors for the first time or for the most recent of many times.
The sea was the deepest shade of blue, reflecting and amplifying the brilliant blueness of the sky. Baby Bear stared at it. He had seen the sea many times in the past, but, this time, he was aware of the colors and of the waves and of the rocks beneath the surface.
“You are beautiful,” Baby Bear said to the sea. “You are everything I want. Some day, I want you to take me to faraway places.”
And, with that, Baby Bear picked up a seashell and held it tightly in his paw. He started walking away when the boy picked him up and placed him in the backpack…
Love your story, Alice. I wouldn’t mind being carried in a backpack. Snug and warm and don’t have to walk.
I agree. It would be a fun and easy way to travel!
I love that you took the bear on an adventure to the beach. It is my favorite place!
Looking forward to tomorrow’s adventure.
Thank you for coming along on the adventure, Cheryl!
I feel like I can relate completely to Baby Bear. By the way, I have an actual Toddler bear in the neighborhood. He is getting pretty big now, too.
Neat! I love the sea. Just being near it. I’d want to go there, too, if I was Baby Bear.
How exciting for Baby Bear! Can’t wait to read about his next adventure!