The 52-week photography project: a new start in a new year

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.”– T.S. Eliot

Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, 
Whispering ‘it will be happier’…”  –Alfred Tennyson

It’s a new year and it’s time for a new adventure. Last year, I had begun a 52-week photography project with enthusiasm but had to leave it incomplete when the camera basically stopped functioning. I now have a new camera, and it is time for new beginnings. A new beginning includes a new photography project: the 2018 version of Dogwood Photography’s 52-week photography project. The theme for the first week is newness (vision). New me, new year, a look ahead. New stories, which don’t have a voice yet. Hopes and smiles of a new year, perhaps a happier year. All of that, however, lies underneath the snow and ice of the frozen land of a northern climate. 

 I walked down Grand Island’s linear bike path to Buckhorn Island State Park, in search of the gems that lay partially hidden beneath the frozen surface. The words of a new year lie dormant, with the hopes of a new beginning.

Woods Creek, covered by snow and ice. 

This is the bike path, leading into Buckhorn Island State Park.

Dying trees look sad in a forest but they are necessary for the forest’s life. As the tree decomposes, the soil is enriched by nutrients from the dead tree. Some animals, such as tree squirrels, nest in the dead trees. 

On Havenwood, just off of the town’s linear bike path, there is a pocket park, with playground equipment and tennis courts. One of the newest activities at this park is a pickleball court. Pickleball is a racket sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. I’m looking forward to trying it.

Ice surrounds the Grand Island bridges.

The majestic Niagara River

The mighty Niagara River has come a long way in the past twenty-five years. Much of the environmental degradation has been reversed and the cleanup effort continues.

Four Points Hotel Sheraton, as seen from Grand Island.

Views of the marsh in Buckhorn Island State Park

Buckhorn Island State Park’s bike path

It’s not too late to enter the fun caption contest. Visit yesterday’s blog post here and enter the contest! Photo caption contest!!!

Next week: Come back for the second week of the 52-week photography project.

4 thoughts on “The 52-week photography project: a new start in a new year”

  1. Where do you want to go today?

    Another challenge to get out and take a picture (or more ) a week. Will you be posting this many photos every week?

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