The 52-week photography project: portrait as landscape

Note: I am participating in a seven-day blogging challenge, called the Write Tribe Festival of Words. Write Tribe is an online community of bloggers that “urges you to write bravely.”

Today’s prompt is “share about a resource that you have or use.” The resource that I am sharing Dogwood Photography. It is a photography studio in Wilmington, North Carolina, and it is a great resource for people who want to be photographers. This is the second year that Dogwood Photography has offered a 52-week photography challenge. For each of 52 weeks, there is a weekly assignment that covers three categories: artistic, story, and technical. This is truly a great opportunity, both to learn about photography while doing photography and to grow as an artist.

I am on week 28. The theme is “portrait as landscape,” and the suggestion is “shoot a portrait that is posing as a landscape. Tell a story of the subject, using the landscape around them. Fool the reader.”

So, here you go. The images for the week. 

A garden is a peaceful place to relax, to experience the world in color and shape and with a quiet, contemplative attitude.

The old, the new, the permanent, the temporary. The sunlight streams in and the view from the windows appears to be nothing but bright white light.

A room, a party, bone china teacups on display, and plastic cups full of iced tea. Sister Karen shares a few stories.

Roadwork on a warm day, when the rain clouds have formed.

The Grand Island Farmers market on the first Saturday of the month. A meat stand.

Today’s conversation topic: What are some of your resources?

6 thoughts on “The 52-week photography project: portrait as landscape”

  1. Holly Jahangiri

    "A portrait that is posing as a landscape." My first thought: "How do I get my son to lie still while I decorate him with action figures?"

    I need more coffee. Or less. Good thing I have other errands and projects and blog posts to write, to keep me out of trouble! LOL

  2. So much purple in the first two pictures. Is there a lesson in there somewhere? I have never taken a photography course, and it is past time that I do. Not sure how I would do with a 52 week challenge but maybe a much better one might start my education out.

  3. Those are some beautiful shots. I have an amateurish interest in photography, but I never looked at a subject with this perspective. I will check out the challenge.

  4. I too love to take a photography course. But could not find right time for that. Your clicks are so beautiful which urges me to take a course soon.

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