Today was too beautiful a day to spend in the house so off I went for my walk. I made a beeline for Buckhorn Island State Park, which is a restored wetland and a bird sanctuary and a very important bird area. It’s no ordinary bird area. It is Very Important. There are no modern amenities at this park, unlike at Beaver Island State Park, where there is a casino (not the gambling kind, but it’s still called a “casino”), a golf course, a boardwalk, a beach, restroom facilities, and a 19th century house. At Buckhorn Island State Park, there are cute little snakes, a canoe launch, a place for people to fish, and good spots for birdwatching. Also, there’s a bike path that goes partway through the park and a hiking trail that leads you over the bridge from which people like to fish under the bridge that will take you to Niagara Falls to a narrow peninsula that will take you partway across the Niagara River. At the end of the peninsula, at some times of the year (mostly in early to mid spring), you can find hordes of birds congregating. They also flock to a small island nearby. The birds mate there, lay their eggs there, and raise their babies there. And then they fly away, once the babies are old enough to fly.
Today, there were no birds. They must have already flown away. While I was in the park, though, I met and walked with a couple named Terry and Tammy. I had met them a few years ago, on a summer day, when I was walking to Beaver Island State Park. They have a beautiful garden that I wanted to photograph. Today, like me, Terry and Tammy were out, enjoying the beautiful weather.
When we left the park, Terry and Tammy got into their bright yellow car and drove away! Their car looked as sunny as the sky.
I took pictures of the bridge as seen from the peninsula, Terry and Tammy standing close to their yellow car, and some Halloween displays.