Really awesome flowerpots

Today’s blogging challenge was to share some photographs and to talk about what makes the photograph interesting. The photographs that I am sharing with you were taken during Sunday’s garden walk. They depict something that I really enjoy: decorative flowerpots. I love colorful and interesting flowerpots and have decorated a few of my own. I decorated one flowerpot with all sorts of random stuff, including seashells, buttons, and broken china. You push the random stuff into this material that feels like mud, and, after a while, it hardens. 

On Sunday, I photographed flowerpots, among other things, at the garden walk. I enjoyed the way in which the flowerpots enhanced the gardens in which they were placed. I also enjoyed the way that the flowers matched their lovely pots. So here are the flowerpots. I hope that you enjoy their design and their placements in the gardens:

4 thoughts on “Really awesome flowerpots”

  1. Virginia Nicols

    I've often admired specific pots but never spent this much time "seeing" the pots+plants in their habitat! Thanks for the walk.

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