Peering into my crystal ball and seeing…

Sometimes, I imagine that I really am peering into a crystal ball. So, when today’s blogging prompt suggested  talking about the future of my blog.  I don’t really know where my blog is taking me as I head into the future.

I do know that this blog has been a great source of joy for me. I’ve written about so many different topics and I’ve been able to share stories about people and places in my community. It has been an adventure at time. Sometimes, it has been a taste test. At other times, it has been sore feet after many miles of walking.

My dream is to be a travel writer but I don’t know how to make that happen. If I peer into the crystal ball, I would see myself, but through a colorful and opaque screen. All of the figures would be slowed down, as if on the wrong speed. The very slow speed. Glacial. Like a sleeping snail.

But I digress. I’ll move away from somnambulant. And from tired snails. To my blog. Yep. That. I hope, in the aforementioned future, my blog will gain new readers. I hope that I can continue to come up with more and more stories and adventures and pictures. In other words, continue with what I’ve done in the past. More stories, more photographs, and more paintings. And maybe a bit of political satire thrown in. So hang on tight. We may be inching forward at a snail’s pace, but this is one rowdy snail. And the journey into the future is never a straight line.

5 thoughts on “Peering into my crystal ball and seeing…”

  1. Alice, as long as you are writing your blog, know that you have us as readers who are reading your grand adventures!

  2. Where do you want to go today?

    Hi Alice,
    I rely on these blog challenges to get my pictures and travel adventures up onto my blog.
    Talk about snail pace, it seems to take me all day to get a post together.
    Blog on!

  3. Many people are claiming blogging as an activity is dying out, but I've done it for over 10 years and it is still enjoyable. Do it as long as it give you pleasure. Your fans will thank you!

  4. A travel blog would be great. I hope that comes true for you. But I love your posts, already, so I will like it whatever it becomes.

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