November gratitude challenge, episode one

In a few weeks, it will be Thanksgiving. This has been a challenging year for sure with a toxic election that featured name calling and accusations, instead of calm debates about the issues; a global pandemic that, in the United States, went out of control quickly because the government dropped the ball; destructive wildfires in the west; and far more hurricanes than ever. You’re probably asking: with all of these things going wrong, what is there to be grateful for?

Well… the really challenging things have been beyond our control. It’s hard to be thankful for all of the disasters that occurred this year. But there are smaller things to be thankful for. The things that sometimes don’t get noticed because we simply expect that they will always exist. And so, because I am unable to express gratitude for a president who prefers to blame the media for all that is going wrong with this country, instead of looking inside and asking himself, “how can I improve and become more responsive to ALL of my constituents?” I choose to express gratitude for the small things of life.

This month, I will do my own alphabet blogging challenge. One letter at a time, listing the things that I am grateful for.

Today, I start with the letter A. I am thankful for:

  • apples and applesauce
  • avocados
  • art supplies
  • art teachers
  • animals that are part of my family
  • artificial life forms on science fiction shows/movies (Data on Star Trek and C3PO and R2D2 on Star Wars)
  • apiaries
  • asterisks
  • attics that hold stuff that tells stories.
Oh, I am an A person, so I guess that I am also thankful for all things Alice.  Like Alice in Wonderland and Alice the goon and Alice who doesn’t live here anymore and Alice Blue Gown and Alice when she’s ten feet tall…

See you tomorrow with the letter B!!!

2 thoughts on “November gratitude challenge, episode one”

  1. I think this is great and I will try to tag along. I will need to catch up because this is Nov. 2 and I want the A list to start on Nov.1 Gratitude for the little things that make life worth living and meaningful.

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