Modern art made of glass

The Corning Glass Works

In April, I had the opportunity to visit the Corning Glass Works. There were many exhibits there to see, and they told the story of glass from the distant past to the present, including mass produced glass. I enjoyed the ancient glass and found it very fascinating. It was interesting to know that people have created glass for millennia. But, for me, the most interesting part of the exhibit was the contemporary glass art section that featured different types of sculptures made of glass. Each piece of glass that I am showing is conceptual and colorful and very unique to the artist who designed it. Below are some of the pictures that I took at the glass works.

5 thoughts on “Modern art made of glass”

  1. The detail in the last one is astounding. I wonder if Mr. Potato Head is functional. Big enough to be a cookie jar or is that spout for dispensing liquids? Maybe, just art.

  2. It’s been many years since I’ve seen the collection at Corning. I was last there for their Glass Farmers Market one October but didn’t go into the museum. My favorite of the pieces you pictured were the first and the last, especially the last (with the birds). We were thinking of going this summer.

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