Life in these Strange Times: creative projects

Are you and your kids getting a bit bored? Bored of board games (uh, sorry, couldn’t resist)? Tired of cards? Well, you’re in luck. You probably have plenty of stuff to keep yourself entertained until Covid 19 decides to make its exit. 

If you like yarn, you could crochet or knit. If your kids want to learn how to crochet or knit, this is a great time to teach them. You could have them knit or crochet scarves. These are quite easy. A traditional granny square is also easy to crochet and you and your kids could make a group afghan.

By the way, although most crocheters and knitters seem to come in the female variety, there’s no reason not to teach the boys, too. They might find it fun and relaxing! Or they might prefer to engage in speed crocheting! That should motivate them to develop those skills because you have to be a fairly decent crocheter to do it super fast.

If you have material, you might want to teach the kids how to make quilts. And that is another group project. You could make the quilts together. It involves lots of color and lots of fun.

As for me, I’ve been crocheting up a storm. In addition to that, I made a “musical instrument.” Well, you could make musical instruments, too.  All it took was a wooden box, as well as some rubber bands. Depending on the thickness of the rubber bands, you get different sounds. It’s fun and easy to make and it’s also fun to play. The only downside to this musical instrument is that there is no way to tune up the “strings.” You might find that your strings suddenly have a different sound than they did… oh, about two minutes ago… or two seconds ago. I’ve already replaced a few of those strings that suddenly sounded like they had gone dramatically out of tune.

I think that, when this is all over, I am going to equip myself with a real guitar. And take lessons. Gotta have these goals!!!

1 thought on “Life in these Strange Times: creative projects”


    wonderful ideas to change up the things to do at home. I agree, maybe families across America need to get 'back' to our original roots of things we do during this time.

    I've seen families planting gardens together that normally wouldn't have. I've seen them playing 'board' games when they normally would be doing the electronic versions.

    It's interesting what we can come up with when our backs are up against the wall.

    Thanks for sharing your post!

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