Let’s create a story!

a mini writing workshop

Today, let’s talk about a bit of creative writing. It could be a story or a poem. The basis of the creative writing is the picture above.

This is my picture for day 54 of the 62-day Daisy Yellow Index Card a Day Challenge. The prompt was yahtzee. I chose to combine two images to create this picture: one is the yahtzee scoresheet, and the other is my depiction of one of the women in Grant Wood’s painting, “Daughters of Revolution.” That painting, done in 1932, was the only painting that Grant Wood intentionally created to be satire. It was his view of a DAR tea party, and the expression on the women’s faces indicated that the party was far from fun. The lady above does not look like she is enjoying the tea. In fact, she looks like she is about to be poisoned. Grant Wood objected to the DAR because he saw them as trying to create an American ariistocracy. So he had fun lampooning them.

There is one character and a yahtzee game.

My example of a creative writing project will be a type of poem called a limerick. A limerick is a five-line poem with an AABBA rhyme pattern. It is designed to be a comedic poetic form. I thought that the best poetic form for a satiric painting would be a comedic poem. Well, here goes:

The DAR lady vs. the yahtzee game

There once was a sour faced lady
who thought yahtzee games were quite shady.
But her daughter threw dice
and she never thought twice,
asking, "Oh, please play, Mama Eydie."

There are many other ways to depict this image! What would be your choice?

10 thoughts on “Let’s create a story!”

  1. Ooh, I love your limerick!! I like the picture, too. And I thought the foundational story was interesting. I hadn’t heard of Grant, but that’s interesting that he lampooned the DAR.

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