Images of Easter

The sun came out for Easter. Early in the morning, it was cold but it later warmed up. I went to church, sang in the choir, and then walked home, via the linear bike path and Buckhorn Island State Park. Below are some of the images of the day. 
The gloom of Good Friday was gone, replaced by candles and translucent white material.

The church was full of people. They lined up to place artificial flowers on the cross that had previously been bare.

Diana finds a spot near the floor for her addition.

Diana returns to the pew to rejoin her parents and her brother.

No one has uttered the word “Alleluia” since Ash Wednesday. 

After church, people go to have their pictures taken by the flowered cross. There were various family groups, waiting for their turn to have a photograph taken. Some people, such as Allison, have had a lifetime of pictures in front of the cross. This year, her boyfriend, Dave, has a surprise for her. When she asks for a picture to be taken of the two of them, he gets on one knee and asks her to marry him.

Allison had no clue that Dave was going to propose to her. She was overwhelmed with emotion… and then said yes. 

Here is the newly engaged couple.

Lovely plants for Easter.

Beautiful Easter lily. But, if you have cats, don’t take it home. If a cat eats any part of this plant, it could develop kidney failure, which is potentially life-threatening. There are many other plants that are safe for cats, such as Easter orchids, daisies, and violets.

Linear bike path.

Me and my shadow.

Reflections on a clear day…

A tree in early spring… 

This bird was running down the bike path. Apparently, birds have as much of a need to jog as humans do. What sort of goodies do birds get on Easter? No calories, right?

“All right, already! That’s enough jogging for one day! Could it be time for a… swim???”

A warm spring day is good for canoeing in Woods Creek and exploring Buckhorn Island State Park.

The creek is very wide at this point.

Crocuses add new color to a rather dull landscape.

 Seen on Grand Island. 

Here is a lovely clump of crocuses. Or are they croak-eye?

A swing, waiting for an occupant. 

The rain creates this mini-lake. The clay soil, so common to this area, is slow to absorb water. Hence, it pools into these mini-lakes.

In front of the house, at the end of the little adventure, I spotted this bee exploring the crocus.

Happy Easter! Have a great day!

1 thought on “Images of Easter”

  1. My manager at work talked about the beautiful Easter service they had at her church – complete with the flowers at the altar. It was beautiful to see your photos describing what she had talked about. And the marriage proposal was a wonderful addition to an Easter service. Thank you for sharing your "life in upstate New York" photos with us.

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