Walking through Wisconsin
This is the continuation of the August 2nd blog post about the Voices for Creative Nonviolence walk from Madison to Volk Field, Wisconsin. The walk was titled “Let it Shine,” and it was about official violence overseas, in such places as Afghanistan and Pakistan, and at home, in such places as Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri. The walk was a way to share the message that this violence must stop. As human beings, we are better than that. We can and we must do better.
We walked through the countryside of Wisconsin, sharing our message. Here are some of the images of us walking and of the Wisconsin countryside.
Brian and Jules carry their message through towns and through the countryside. |
Maya finds that a trumpet is a fine touch in sharing a message. |
Our world is full of beauty, as well as tragedy. We can enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the animals as we walk through the countryside. |
The horses run toward us, as fascinated with us as we are with them. |
Maya enjoys making new equine friends. |
Maya and Tyler enjoy the camera very much. Tyler especially enjoyed singing and teaching songs along the way. One of the songs that he taught me had these words: deep in the earth i go, deep in the earth i go, deep in the earth i go, deep in the earth i go… hold my hand, sister, hold my hand… hold my hand, brother, hold my hand… (repeat) As we walked down the road, we sang those words. We walked on a high bridge over railroad tracks, hand in hand, singing those words. They carried me over that bridge, which was a testament to the power of song because I have a phobia about bridges. There was another bridge that I was unable to cross. It was a bridge over a highway. I was so disoriented by the sound of the traffic on the road next to me and the sound of the traffic below that I could not continue. I did not even know where my body was in space. Because of my auditory processing disorder, which makes localizing sound difficult for me, the noise of the traffic felt as if it were on top of me, under me, next to me, and inside of me. Our support driver, Joy, came and picked me up. She is a great support person and a great friend! |
The sight of the horses was always welcome and delightful. |
We walked through towns with such names as Baraboo, Lyndon Station, Wisconsin Dells, and Mauston. Baraboo is famous for being the winter headquarters of the Barnum and Bailey/Ringling Brothers Circus. There is a circus museum in Baraboo. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to visit. That gives me incentive to go back to Baraboo. |
As we walked toward the Wisconsin Dells, we stopped at this lovely beach. |
Here we are, traveling down the road. |
Phil walks at his own pace. Sometimes, this archivist from Marquette University in Milwaukee falls far behind. But he maintains a steady pace and he is an inspiration to anyone who says, “I can’t do it.” If you are feeling that way, think of Phil and his gritty determination. Yes, you can! Just go for it! |
This was just an interesting building so I photographed it. |
One day, we had a walker who brought this lovely dog. The dog seemed to enjoy the walk very much. |
The Wisconsin Dells comes from the dells of the Wisconsin River, a glacially formed gorge that features beautiful formations in limestone along the Wisconsin River. The city of Wisconsin Dells is a popular tourist destination and parts of it are so gaudy that I actually lost my motivation to photograph it. I will admit to not being a fan of gaudy. There were plenty of stores in the center of Wisconsin Dells, ready to sell souvenirs to tourists. |
Reetzi creates a wearable design with flowers. |
Frankie and Reetzi on the side of the road. |
The history of growing hops. |
The group enjoys lunch together. A variety of groups, including Fellowship of Reconciliation and Veterans for Peace, provided us with sustenance along the way. They offered support on so many levels. It is much appreciated. |
We live in such a beautiful world. As human beings, our behavior has not matched the beauty of nature. We can do better. We can stop the violence. We just have to choose to do so. It is my hope that, by walking through towns, villages, cities, and countryside, we have motivated others who see our message to want to work for a kinder and more just world, free of violence, hatred, and cruelty.
It is my hope that, by reading this story, you too will want to work toward that kinder and more just world. Thank you so much for reading my story! |