And this is where the cat let the human (me) know who is really in charge. I mixed the medicine with the food and served it to the cat. The cat sniffed the food. She then raised her tail high in the air and walked away, with a look of utter disgust plastered all over her face.
Arrgh! Failure!
How do you feed medicine to a cat?
We tried rubbing medicine on the inside of the cat’s ear. Once I was done, the cat got up and walked away. She hid for half of the next day.
I tried a second time, with the same result.
Then we went back to mixing the medicine with the food.
This time, it was more successful.
Apparently, Zoe got hungry and decided to eat her food.
She seems to be doing OK now. She is, however, using her general humans-are-stupid meow much more frequently than ever.
I am just relieved that I do not have to pill a cat.
My dog hated taking any pills. We tried inserting them into various people food and giving it to him. He'd eat or lick around it and then spit the pill out. The we'd have to tag team him, one to hold and open his mouth, the other to push the pill in. Good times.
Smart dog!!!!
Cats are totally in charge at my house!! Good luck with A to Z!!!!
LOL about your cat's disdain! I never knew that they only meow to get human attention. How interesting!
Seems like animals are so much smarter than humans especially when it comes to medicine! Pretty kitty!
I remember what a nightmare it was getting our cat to take some tablets. A tiny tablet in a bowl full of food, but she could still find it LOL!
Suzanne from
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