An interview with Sam I am


Today, I’ve asked a guest blogger to write a blog post for me. The guest blogger that I invited to write the blog post is the Cat in the Hat. He said that, in the house that he nearly destroyed, the things that he never found were green eggs and ham. In fact, no one has ever once offered him green eggs and ham. And so, he decided to do an interview with Sam I Am. Below is the Cat in the Hat’s interview with Sam I Am.

Cat: Sam I am, I have heard rumors that you are starting a restaurant and catering service. What are you planning on serving?

Sam: Green eggs and ham.

So you will mainly be serving breakfast?

Oh, no. We will be serving all meals. We are planning some spectacular fritattas with a salad for our dinner customer. On occasion, we will offer an exquisite green egg drop soup.

Will you be serving green eggs with a mouse?

No, mouse isn’t on the menu.

Not as a main course! As a dinner guest!

No one wants to eat green eggs and ham with a mouse. We can’t permit that to happen. Mice like to eat more than their share. 

Are you planning on holding any special events?

Of course. 

Can you talk more about them?

Oh yes. We will have musical entertainment and storytellers and taste tests. You will like it in a booth, on a chair, on the floor or here and there. 

Do you like to talk in rhyme?

Do I like to talk in rhyme? Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Maybe now, but not all of the time.

Do you have anything else that you’d like to add?

Don’t resist the green eggs and ham. I have a limerick that celebrates green eggs and ham for you.

You must eat delicious eggs and ham

with some bread topped with strawberry jam

the food tastes so fine

that here you must dine

Please join us for dinner, Madame Clam.

Thank you very much, Mr. Sam I am.

It was my pleasure.

9 thoughts on “An interview with Sam I am”

  1. Oh my! This is so cute. I would visit Sam I Am's restaurant for the atmosphere but not for the food LOL. Very creative!

  2. Jaime Brainerd

    Alice, what a lovely creative outlet. I just dig this idea of having a made up character as a intern blogger, with a made up conversation about a made up restaurant. Where do you come up with these marvelous inspirations? Your posts are so fun, I keep coming back for more laughs 😀 Thank you for sharing!

    Sending lots of love and gratitude,

  3. thewriterfriends

    Thank you for sharing this.
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