#wordlesswednesday #blogboost

When you’re waiting in the airport for four hours and you can’t see out the window because of all of that spinning, swirling snow, what do you do? You draw because you love to document your adventures.
what are something of the things you do when you’re waiting out a storm?
Who needs windows, watching the people is much more interesting.
Reading or listening to down loaded books works.
Some Sudoku or word games make a change.
Coffee, snack and washroom breaks.
If the internet is working, we have a blog challenge, or Facebook reels, . . .
Its always easier if you are travelling with a friend.
I LOVE the airport movie. Tom Hanks’ character was so resourceful keeping himself fed and busy.
Looks like you’re very much alike, making the best out of your situation of being stuck. Did you end up getting on your flight?
Loved your drawing! It is one of the best things to do in a semi crowded airport. People watching is fun and the “overheard” conversations even better,
Thank you! It was part of the adventure!
Beautiful photo and I would give anything to have enough Snow to make a decent snowman instead of the sprinkling we got. Enjoy your trip and have a lot of fun. Be safe.
Snowmen are fun to build!