A to Z challenge 2022

It’s time to choose a theme!!!

This year, my theme is photography & art. I plan to take a picture every day in April to tell a story about that day. Each day is an adventure. Sometimes big, sometimes tiny, but even tiny adventures are just that, adventures. So… just for practice, I will tell you about today’s adventure. I got on the bus and went to downtown Buffalo, as I had been given a ticket for the Home Show. It was loads of fun. There was a lot to see and do. I got to lie down on a bed that gave me a massage. It was adjustable and there was a device that lifts your head and your feet (not so hard that you’re folded up like a Swiss Army knife!). The massage was very relaxing.

Would you believe that this guy is just a whole bunch of balloons?

I also got to test out some sort of device that you stand on. It gives your feet a nice massage, which is great after walking a long distance. Other things that I got to test out included a really super modern elliptical with a screen so you can watch a place and imagine yourself running along a path. Then there was the exercise bicycle. It had a screen, but the internet was wonky in the Buffalo Convention Center so it was impossible to watch an image. The last device that I got to test was great but I don’t know the name of it. You pull a cable and walk until you can’t anymore. Sort of, I guess. While you pull out the cable, you’re lifting a weight. I did that exercise yesterday at the MOG (Medically Oriented Gym) during the Circuit training class. Can I remember the name from yesterday??? Apparently not.

All in all, it was a fun experience to go downtown and to visit the Home Show. I’m now back home after my adventurous trip from Buffalo, which included a visit to a grocery store on Ellicott Street in downtown Buffalo. It’s probably the most pedestrian friendly location that I’ve ever seen for a grocery store, and I truly loved that. No dodging cars in an oversized parking lot. Just walk in to the store directly from the sidewalk. It felt luxurious, almost like, wow, this actually meets my needs. Anyway, very clean, very friendly store. And then, I took the bus and returned to Grand Island.

And now? Guess what??? It’s snowing! Big surprise? Right? Uh, not!!! Sooooo, in a few weeks, the A through Z challenge starts! Please keep reading and commenting and letting me know you’re here! See you soon!

7 thoughts on “A to Z challenge 2022”

  1. How exciting to see your new blog! I’m also looking forward to your April A to Z Challenge. I’ve done a few of them, maybe I’ll do another!

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