A is for Alice

Today, I am starting two blogging challenges, which conveniently begin on the same day: the A to Z challenge and the Ultimate Blogging Challenge. So… I’m starting with A is for Alice, and I am Alice, so here are some random facts about me:

  • I can eat a lemon and smile while doing so.
  • I have a guitar named Sage.
  • If I stop brushing my cat Trinity before she’s ready for an end to brushing, she bites the brush. Or she gives me a love nip.
  • I really, really dislike mayonnaise.
  • When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut… until I found out about the test that weeds out people who get motion sickness, which would be me.
  • I’ve been in three operas, and I discovered that operas are more fun as a participation sport than a spectator sport. If you’re in an opera chorus, you get to wear a costume, run around the stage, sing at the top of your lungs, and overact to your heart’s content.
  • I really like Shakespearean insults. They are hilarious. Here are a few fun ones: thou reeky common kissing maggot pie, thou puking clapper clawed ratsbane, thou yeasty folly-fallen scut
  • I like insects! Will discuss more in a later blog post!!!

What are some fun facts about you?

17 thoughts on “A is for Alice”

  1. Hi Alice. Love knowing more about you. It’s quite a feat to smile through eating a lemon. I’m not much of a fun person, but my nickname in school was Lollypops.

    1. Lollypops!!! I like that so much! What a great nickname. Yes, I think that lemons are delicious, but, alas, they are bad for the teeth, so I try to eat more oranges than lemons, lol.

  2. Hi Alice,
    I’m in for the Ultimate Blog Challenge too. But, I’m not sure I would even make Opera as a spectator – and certainly not as a participant. I sing way out of tune, and only those deep, low notes. I admire anyone who can sing.

    1. Thank you so much, Maureen. I actually can’t sing those deep, low notes, and I have a lot of admiration for people who can produce those notes. Especially basses. I have mad love for basses.

      1. I’m getting good at lip-synching high notes, and all others are way out of tune. Instead of going to choir practice in high school – I was under the hall, learning how to smoke. And I didn’t even manage that properly, so I never smoked, and I can’t sing. 🙂

  3. A is certainly for Amazing Alice. What a fun post and your Artful Egg is …well Artful!!! Loved your random facts. Who knew Shakespeare could use the words puke and ratsbane in the same sentence. My favorite though was kissing magot pie…now that would make one puke. Amazing Alice sings opera…Wow!!! My singing fact…I sing bad Karaoke.
    I’m visiting via the AtoZ Master List. Fact…I’m from the Great State of Texas…Ya’ll come!!!
    Sue at WhereBluebonnetsGrow

  4. It’s great to find out more about you! You like insects, huh? And can smile while eating a lemon? That’s cool! Pretty sure I could not do that. How lovely that you have been in three operas. I love to sing and this means you do, too, I’m sure.

  5. Hi Alice, this is A for Arpita ???? Loved your post. I too had toyed with the idea of starting the Challenge with the first letter of my name but that turned out to be quite challenging. So I moved on to a different topic. Glad to meet you here.

  6. Nice to meet you!
    I fell down a full flight of stairs three years ago, broke my ankle, and my wrists, and called my own ambulance. I’m pretty good now.
    I write a lot and paint a little.
    I live with my dog and cat in a little yellow house overlooking the ocean.
    Oh, and I have a pretty red motorcycle that I hope to be able to ride again this summer. We shall see.

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