52 week photography project: the vibrant life photograph

Note: On January first, I started a new photography project. I will take at least one photograph a day for the entire year, following a program called the 52-week photography challenge for 2017. It is being organized by Dogwood Photography, located in Wilmington, North Carolina. Dogwood Photography operates a photography school in Wilmington and it runs online photography challenges. There are weekly assignments in three categories: story telling, technical, and artistic impression.

Today is the second in a series of 52 updates of the project. The challenge for the week was “straight out of the camera.” The category is “technical.” Instructions: No photoshop. Shoot a compelling image and post it without edits. No cheating!  (Be sure and save the image file for the end of the challenge.)

Church was really busy on Sunday, with four baptisms. There were so many people! Then I found out that there was also a lovely young golden retriever puppy. She’s in training to be an autism companion dog. This picture just made me really happy, so I gave it the title “the vibrant life photograph.” Father Earle King has that magic touch with babies and small children. If they are crying and fussing, he puts his arms out, even if he’s in the middle of a sermon. The little one stops crying and fussing and starts smiling.

Come back next Saturday for the week three image(s).

5 thoughts on “52 week photography project: the vibrant life photograph”

  1. Beautiful picture and perfect title. You have inspired me to take a picture a day. I didn't know about the challenge, or weekly prompts so I'm just taking pictures. Didn't start on Jan. 1, but I figure a year is a year whenever it starts.

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