What makes you feel beautiful?

Note:  Today, I looked for a blogging prompt and I found this question on the SITS girls website for January 11th: “What makes you feel beautiful?”

I almost started looking for another blogging prompt. My appearance has been an issue for me for years. I was bullied in school and was told that I was too short and too ugly. Who could like a short, ugly girl who wore glasses? I did not feel good about being me. I have learned, from friends and from therapy, that I don’t have to listen to the bullies in my head. When I learned how to draw human faces in art classes, I discovered that human beings are not ugly. Every person has interesting features, worthy of drawing and painting. Every person has beauty. That includes me. If no one is ugly, I could not possibly be ugly. Be gone, you old bullies! You don’t pay rent to occupy space inside my head. You’re fired… um… evicted!

So I realize that I can answer the question. What makes you feel beautiful? Here are some of the things that make me feel beautiful:

  • A new hairdo. I love my hairdresser. Her name is Jacquie, and she knows how to deal with my often unruly curls.
  • A massage. When someone is attending to the needs of my body, it makes me feel beautiful.
  • My dental hygienist. Her name is Cheryl. She does a fabulous job with my teeth. The dentist who checks my teeth once told me that I have “beautiful teeth.” Well, who could not feel beautiful with teeth that a dentist admires?

  • a new adventure and learning new skills. It makes you feel beautiful because, when you enjoy something new, you have a radiant smile on your face, and that is a beautiful look.

  • Once again, this is the radiant smile concept.

  • Performing on stage. Putting on a costume and makeup and performing a skill that you’ve been practicing for months makes you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you radiate that feeling outward, and you feel beautiful.

  • Friends and dance partners. Who could feel ugly when having fun on a dance floor?

  • Oh, what the heck? Take a picture of yourself while you’re standing on one leg. 
  • Last, but not least, the thing that makes me feel beautiful is my faith. God made all humans to be beautiful. God does not make junk!

What makes you feel beautiful?

5 thoughts on “What makes you feel beautiful?”

  1. Dancing makes me feel beautiful…and graceful. BTW, I am not a dancer. I used to do NIA which I have not done in so long. It is a movement practice that incorporates 9 types of arts – 3 dance arts; 3 martial arts; 3 healing arts. There is also some freeform thrown into most classes, too. What I loved about it was the variety of ages, bodies and personalities present in each class. You listen to your own body, move as you are able, adapt as necessary. Beautiful…Now that I am not traveling so much anymore I plan to get back to it.

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