Turning everyday objects into little pieces of usable art

I enjoy sharing ways to reuse things in interesting and unusual ways. Above are two bottles that I painted with glass paint. The green bottle had been filled with sweet and sour sauce. The small bottle was a spice jar. When the sweet and sour sauce and the spices are gone, you’re left with empty glass bottles. You have two good choices for them: put them in the recycle bin or reuse the bottles in some way. With these two bottles, I decided to reuse them.

The first step is to remove the labels. You scratch off as much of the label as you can. Then wash the bottle and remove the rest with a steel pad. It can take a bit of effort. You’ll be left with a clean bottle with no label.

When I paint, I usually start with the background color. I have found that glass paint is the best medium for a jar. Let your background color dry and then use other colors to paint a design or a pattern. I like to make floral patterns but you could do other patterns, including more abstract patterns.

Once everything is dry, it is a good idea to spray your bottle with a fixative.

I’ve never tried wine glasses, but many people do paint wine glasses. You would need special paint that would be very nontoxic, since you would want to use the glasses to drink your favorite wine.

I use the larger bottle as a vase for one or two flowers, and I use the smaller bottle as a pencil holder.

Rocks can also be transformed into fun stuff. On the left is a rock that is about to be painted, and on the right is a painted rock. The rock on the left is painted black. That is the base coat. I like to start with black paint because the other colors will pop on top of the dramatic black paint.

The rock on the right has been painted. Here are the steps. For rocks, the best medium that I’ve found is acrylic paint. After your base coat has dried, your next step will be to draw a design on your rock. I find that a white colored pencil is a good drawing tool for that. Then you can paint your design. I use some glitter paint for added fun.

The rocks are nice decorations for gardens. Make sure to spray the rocks with fixative so that the color doesn’t wash away when it rains.

7 thoughts on “Turning everyday objects into little pieces of usable art”

  1. I love your painted rocks! I saw a post on Pinterest where they painted golf balls into ladybugs and decorated them in the garden. I pick up all the stray golf balls from our work parking lot and have 3 baskets full, hoping to do something with them. I also recycle my bottles and cans, a good way to get some great storage.

  2. Someone in our area paints rocks and sells them (perhaps on consignment?) at a local nursery. I've wondered if I should try this art form – our community garden has a lot of rocks so I certainly have an endless supply.

  3. I love your bottle! I paint wine glasses with enamel paint that gets baked onto the glass. While it isn't highly toxic or anything, it still isn't meant to come into contact with the food or drink, it is only put on the outside of the glass, and you don't apply it within 1/2 inch from the rim so it isn't an issue.

  4. Thank you, Martha, Alana, and Vicki. I have collected golf balls, too, and I think that I'll trying painting one, Martha.
    Alana, yes, definitely try painting rocks. Selling them at a local nursery is pretty cool.
    Thank you, Vicki, for describing your method of painting wine glasses.

  5. Hi Alice –

    I have found a good way to get labels of bottles (specifically wine bottles) – i put them in a hot oven and let the heat soften the glue on the label. I take the bottles out (wearing oven mitts) and many times the label will just peel off. If it does not, scraping is much easier.

  6. peppylady (Dora)

    Sure hope your having a blessed day. Came in from Alana and it been while since I did any craft using a rock.
    If you fine the time stop on in for some coffee

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