Day 26 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and of Inktober. The prompt is camera.
The thunderstorm lasted much of the night and the rain persisted all day. The bears stayed inside the cave, having decided to let the rain stop before venturing to the base camp at the mountains.
Baby Bear found an abandoned candle and a box. He put the candle into the box and made a peephole. He then set the candle in front of the box and he picked up two sticks and rubbed them together until he made a little fire, and he lit the candle. He looked through the peephole and he saw an image of the candle inside the box. The candle was upside down. Baby Bear laughed gleefully. He tried putting rocks in front of the box to see if they would flip upside down but they didn’t produce enough light so he gave up on the rocks.

“Oh, what fun,” Baby Bear said after the candlelight burned out.
Just then, he was called to come to the Bears’ Great Feast.
He left the box and ran off. Was it time for Baby Bear to be given his new name? He felt excited and giddy about the possibility. He wondered what his new name would be. Also, he wondered if his favorite foods would be served. He felt very hungry.
I like how Baby Bear is learning now things and I can’t wait to see when he is given his new name!
I wonder, too, what Baby Bear’s new name will be! What a neat story. And this part reminds me of a time I made a camera in youth group.