Here’s a product of Alice’s Bakery (refreshment for book club meeting)Hot chocolate bombs!chocolate!!!! Yummy!Pizzelles, made by Denise Ricotta“Fruit is nature’s candy.”“People who want you in their lives respect you whether you are grapes or fine wine.” Sanita Belgrave
Getting hungry? What are some of your favorite sweet treats?
Oo, Alice, what delicious treats! I have many. I just had a steaming mug of British tea and some cassava-sweetened coconut candies coated with dark chocolate. Yum! Sometimes a small handful of roasted cashews is just the thing.
Oo, Alice, what delicious treats! I have many. I just had a steaming mug of British tea and some cassava-sweetened coconut candies coated with dark chocolate. Yum! Sometimes a small handful of roasted cashews is just the thing.
Have you ever wondered if the book club would dissolve without the sweet treats?