The 52-week photography project: water

The topic for week 29 of the 52-week photography project is “water.”

man made pond

Approximately 71 percent of the earth is covered by water.

Woods Creek

Nearly 97 percent of that water is salt water, found in oceans. The water that we can drink is scarce.

Just about one percent of the earth’s water is fresh, drinkable water.

The Niagara River, early in the morning

Fresh water can be found in rivers, lakes, and creeks. In these pictures, you can see some of the bodies of water in and around Grand Island, New York.

Today’s question: What are some of the interesting bodies of water in and around your community?

3 thoughts on “The 52-week photography project: water”

  1. Water is indeed a scarce commodity especially potable water. For centuries our ancestors have had to walk miles to collect water and it is only in the current century that we've had the luxury of opening taps! The water body closest to me is the sea- the Arabian Sea which is just a huge expanse of blue. My shoreline isn't unfortunately very pretty because of the human litter but my view of the horizon especially at sunset is priceless.

  2. I love that first photo and its reflection. I love to take sunset pictures on Canandaigua Lake – too bad I don't live closer to it.

  3. Super project. Here in the Eastern Cape of South Africa we are facing a life-threatening drought. Last weekend, we stayed with my son at his new home. In the middle of the vast yard, there was a big muddy puddle, which he optimistically informed me was a dam. Then the rains came. Yesterday he sent me a photo of out two little grandsons pushing a boat across the dam, which is beginning to look like a dam even though they were walking next to the boat! Water is a lovely theme. Here's where I've been the last two weeks.

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