The 366-day photography project: week 34

It’s been a busy week. Last Monday, I went to the library for a book club meeting. We discussed the year’s classic book selection: East of Eden, by John Steinbeck. We had a fascinating, spirited discussion of this big, complex book. Tonight, we are returning to the library to watch the movie version of East of Eden. I’m looking forward to this.

Before the book club meeting, I have a little time to have some fun with photography. I take a picture of the bear with some vintage books. I take it in black and white to make it look like an old picture.

Bear with old school books.

On Tuesday, I went to lunch at Four Points (Sheraton) with the Zumba class. Four Points is close to the Grand Island bridges in Niagara Falls. Here is a view of the bridges from Niagara Falls.

The meal was delicious. I had a panini with three cheeses, tomatoes, and pesto, as well as a Caesar salad. The server, Brandon, was very kind and very attentive.
This is the deck at Four Points.

It was Sue’s birthday. Here is her lovely (and delicious) cake.

Here is a close-up view of the Niagara River.

Here is Sue, getting ready to make a birthday wish.

I come home and see that the crocuses are getting ready to open.

Just a few hours later, the crocuses are open.

This is a project that I’ve been working on for a while. I made a bunch of squares for an afghan. This is one. 

I border each square with white yarn.

I crochet the squares together. I like the seam on top to separate the squares.

I am doing an online art class, so I drew this in my sketchbook. 

Adding the color.

Back to the afghan. I have five sets of four-square groups in different color combinations. Except for the white yarn, all of the yarn is scrap yarn that people gave me after they completed their projects. I love leftover yarn!

Here is the set of four squares, which I have crocheted together and then bordered with white and blue.

On Thursday, I was at the library. Here is a display of Girl Scout memorabilia from the 1940s and 1950s.

Having fun making patterns with cheese.

On Thursday, I did laundry. I took pictures of the process of folding fitted sheets.

From a wadded-up mess to folded sheets, the process is less complicated than it looks.

Good Friday is the most emotional day of the Christian calendar. It is the day that we relive the betrayal, torture, and brutal execution of Jesus Christ. It is the day that we remember the cruelty that happened back then and, unfortunately, never seems to stop.

It is sad to remember the bad stuff in the world: war, disease, terrorism, domestic violence, environmental devastation.

But the world is not hopeless. Far from it.

Because I tend to ramble in my thoughts, I am thinking about so many things. One of them is the story of Pandora, who was very curious. I can relate to that. I am very curious. It’s why I got into journalism: my insatiable curiosity. In Pandora’s case, that curiosity got her into trouble. According to Greek mythology, she was the first woman on earth. There was a box. It had been packed by Zeus, and it was not to be opened. Pandora was curious. What was inside the box? She opened it up. Out popped misery, sadness, and death. Out popped disease and despair and war. Pandora tried closing the box again, but it was too late. The terrible things of the world had been let out and they were not going to go back into the box.

Finally, one little thing popped out of the box.

It was hope.

Hope for kindness and love and peace.

Hope that, as human beings, we can do better.

That is the joy and the hope of spring. Life is coming back into a dormant world. The early plants grow through the snow. They survive the cold and the wind and the snow.

Here are some plants at St. Martin’s, almost ready to bloom.

At Saint Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church, clergy from four Island churches get ready to hold an ecumenical Good Friday service.

Here is the group of clergypeople.

I arrived at St. Stephen’s early so I had some time with my sketchbook before the service began.
By Saturday, my focus had shifted, from the spiritual to the culinary. I made applesauce, using four types of apples: Lady Alice, Ruby Frost, Empire, and Granny Smith.

I collected some strawberries and used them to make a smoothie.

Easter Sunday!

The church is decorated for the celebration.

People of all ages celebrate Easter, the day that Jesus rose from the dead.

Easter brought joy to Allison, whose boyfriend Dave asked her to marry him during a picture-taking session after the church service.

The church is filled with brightly colored flowers.

… and white Easter lilies.

I walk home on the bike path. It was a warm, sunny day, which was quite delightful.

Seen at Buckhorn Island State Park.

It will get cold again. These crocuses are resilient. They will survive cold air and snow.

This looks like a new lake. 

A bee is attracted to this crocus.

Next week:  The adventure continues.

2 thoughts on “The 366-day photography project: week 34”

  1. Spring is the season of renewal, is it not? Our forsythias are starting to come out in the Binghamton area in the Southern Tier. So are magnolias. I hope the high winds tonight don't tear the blooms off.

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