Rhubarb-apple crisp!

Today’s blogging prompt is to write about dessert. Or desert. I was actually offered both words. Since I have little experience of deserts, I decided to write about dessert. Which is good because it just happened that I had fresh rhubarb and apples available. I had obtained the rhubarb at the first spring farmers market at Thompson & Son farm on Saturday.

Soooo…. a recipe? Sure, no problem! One of the great things about the internet is that it contains massive amounts of information, which includes countless numbers of recipes. I guess that I could say that the internet is my cookbook. Today, it did not disappoint. I found this very versatile recipe, called “no oatmeal apple crisp recipe” on a website titled “GroupRecipes.” This recipe can be adapted for whatever fruit you have on hand, including apples, rhubarb, peaches, or pears).

The first thing that I did was let six tablespoons of butter warm up to room temperature. The next step was to chop tw0 and a half cups of rhubarb and one and a half cups of peeled apples. I put those in a large bowl and set them aside. Once the butter was softened, I combined that with brown sugar and white sugar and flour until it’s nice and crumbly. You could add cinnamon to the dry ingredients. Or nutmeg, if you like.

Your next step is to grease a glass baking dish with butter. Put the apples and rhubarb into the baking dish. 

After that, you can add the butter-flour-sugar mixture to the top. It bakes in a 350 degree F oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Because I’ve noticed that my oven seems to run a bit warm, I always choose the minimum amount of time.

After removing the treat from the oven, I let it cool down.

Once it was partially cooled, I spooned it into bowls and shared it with a few people who live in my building. 

It is said that sharing is caring and that something sweet is sweeter with the sharing. 

What are some of your favorite desserts? Feel free to share in the comments section below.

4 thoughts on “Rhubarb-apple crisp!”

  1. In my house, we very rarely eat desserts and I don't even know what rhubard is. Hope you enjoyed.

  2. Dr Renee Cohn Jones

    My motto (for over 25 years) has been "Life is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First!" so I was pleased that you chose desserts of deserts! However, my definition of dessert includes chocolate ..so this dessert with some dribbles of chocolate syrup sounds delicious 😉

  3. You didn't say how much brown sugar, white sugar or flour you used. I do like oats in my crisp, and they are very healthy so i use them.

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