Of butterflies and stories

Fly high, butterfly,
your eye pointed to the sky,
and see no limits

Today’s letter is B, and the word that I got from the random word generator was butterfly. The Ultimate Blogging Challenge prompt is “What got you started in this niche or market?” I’m not really sure. I am a storyteller and have been one as long as I can remember. I remember making up stories when I was eight years old. That was a very long time ago. I now have a great nephew who will be eight years old in three and a half months. And I have an almost 12-year-old great niece whose imagination is filled with dragons and who has already written two novels! It’s beyond amazing!

So two generations ago, I was that eight year old girl who stared at the sky and made up stories. I used to write them on random scraps of paper or chalkboards.

I am now a 67-year-old woman who stares at the sky and makes up stories. Our technology has advanced so, now, it’s much easier to share the stories. I can share them here or I can share them, if I can find a way to make them local and newsworthy, in the Island Dispatch. I still like telling stories about butterflies. There is something magical about them. They start their lives as very hungry caterpillars. Oh, wait, that sounds familiar. It’s a children’s book. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” which was written, illustrated, and designed by Eric Carle. I love that story and have read it to numerous babysitting victims. But I digress. So, caterpillars go into a cocoon and come out a butterfly. Don’t you wish you could go into a cocoon and come out as something incredibly different and beautiful? I know that I do.

At any rate, it was and always has been my imagination that has created my niche. It was why I started this blog post with a haiku. A haiku is seventeen syllables long, but you can fill those syllable with anything that you choose. That idea isn’t original to me, however. It was Mrs. Whatsit in “A Wrinkle in Time,” who explained that the sonnet has a very rigid structure, but , within that structure, you could say anything. You could let you imagination fly.

Please say, in the comment section below, how you would like to show your creativity. What format is best suited to your vision of the creative you?

4 thoughts on “Of butterflies and stories”

  1. Happy New Year, Alice!
    Love the butterfly connection – and lifting our eyes to the sky!
    My creativity is multifaceted – harping, visual art, and I’m planning my gardens (with some plants chosen for pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds!

  2. I love my show my creativity in many ways. One of them is through blogging, but I love to write and kind of fell into this occupation. I love that the 8 year old storyteller in you is able to come alive

  3. I love your stories, poems and art work Alice! From 8 to 67, you still have it! As for me I like photography and baking so they both go hand in hand. I bake and then take photos of Lia’s and my creations!

  4. Butterfly flies low
    Travels as far as he can go
    Sips the flower’s nectar
    Disappears like a spectre
    Avoiding a dangerous foe

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