November gratitude: alliteration sponsored by the letter G


Today, I express my gratitude to the letter G. Yes, literally the letter G. It’s the first letter of my last name. Oh, and all of the pictures have something green in them because green begins with G.

So I was thinking that it’s time to do a creative writing exercise. I was hoping to form a creative writing group that could meet in person.

But the town in which I reside (Grand Island, which, of course, starts with the letter G) is now placed in the infamous Yellow Zone, which means caution because the number of COVID-19 cases has gone up. So I don’t think that the creative writing group is likely to happen soon. 

Eventually, the pandemic will end, and normal life will resume. In the meantime, I’m determined to keep myself busy and entertained. 

Here is the exercise: I am going to share ten words that begin with the letter G. And the trick is to write something that includes all of these words. It could be a story, a journal entry, a poem, or any other writing format that you enjoy. To get my G words, I’m going to use a random word generator. The word generator that I am using (link to word generator: Random Word Generator website). The random word generator allows you to choose both the beginning and ending letter of the word. I am just going to choose the beginning letter, which is G. You can choose a word type, if you like. And you can also choose the length of the word. 

I asked the random word generator to choose ten words for me, beginning with the letter G. The words that I got were: goal, general, girl, glance, grant, groan, gem, grip, guide, gown. (I am taking the liberty of changing the tense of the word to fit with what I am writing)

I am going to write a poem, using the format of blank verse. This has a meter of ten syllables per line. The poem is unrhymed. So, here goes.

In the mirror, I spied a girl in a gown

but nary a gem around her long neck.

And by and by, a man came to her,

gripped her hand and guided her to the door.

But a war soon separated the pair.

The army took the man far, far away.

Their goal of sweet forever long postponed

by generals conferring in a room.

Alone again, the girl packed up her gown.

Reflected on love granted and then gone,

She slept the broken sleep of the lonely,

hearing screams and groans of terrified men.

She wrote daily missives to her soldier,

sharing her dreams and goals for their future.

When the war ended and he returned home,

the couple knew that they had grown apart.

The girl gave away her gown and her gems,

and locked her dreams and goals into a box.

Well, there you go. A poem. And now, it’s your turn to use those words for a story or a poem. Have fun!!!!

4 thoughts on “November gratitude: alliteration sponsored by the letter G”

  1. What a great poem using all the "G" words. I was hoping their time apart would rekindle. Maybe she will find someone else!


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