It’s time to share more comments and conversation!
From the Comments and Conversation post…
… we continue
the conversation!
the conversation!
Martha: I missed “E”!! I love
your elephants!!
your elephants!!
Thank you so
much, Martha. Just like my dad, I love elephants. Elephants are interesting, complicated animals. They are very large, the largest mammal to live on land, weighing anywhere between 11,000 and 15,400 pounds or 4,989 to 6,985 kilograms. They have a great gift for listening and can use their ears and their feet to listen. They can be anywhere from ten to thirteen feet in height. They are very smart and very
social. They are also gentle and sensitive, and, when they are separated from their family group, they grow sad.
They make friends with elephants and humans alike. They have good memories. If you make friends with an elephant, your elephant friend will never forget you. I think that I would like to
have an elephant friend.
much, Martha. Just like my dad, I love elephants. Elephants are interesting, complicated animals. They are very large, the largest mammal to live on land, weighing anywhere between 11,000 and 15,400 pounds or 4,989 to 6,985 kilograms. They have a great gift for listening and can use their ears and their feet to listen. They can be anywhere from ten to thirteen feet in height. They are very smart and very
social. They are also gentle and sensitive, and, when they are separated from their family group, they grow sad.
They make friends with elephants and humans alike. They have good memories. If you make friends with an elephant, your elephant friend will never forget you. I think that I would like to
have an elephant friend.
Jeanine Byers: This was so neat!! When
you have several different comments to read, you really see the sweetness of
you have several different comments to read, you really see the sweetness of
Thank you,
Jeanine. It’s great that you connect the comments and see a pattern in them!
Jeanine. It’s great that you connect the comments and see a pattern in them!
Ls: I didn’t know you are doing the A to
Z.. let me check the other posts too. I liked the idea of you doing this post.
Z.. let me check the other posts too. I liked the idea of you doing this post.
Yes, I am doing
the A to Z… and am now a day behind! I’m glad that you like the comments and
conversation post.
the A to Z… and am now a day behind! I’m glad that you like the comments and
conversation post.
Corinne Rodrigues: What a fantastic idea,
Alice. I enjoyed reading the comments and your responses.
Alice. I enjoyed reading the comments and your responses.
Thank you so
much, Corinne. I’m glad that you like the comments and conversations idea. I really enjoy chatting with readers, and I like to showcase them.
much, Corinne. I’m glad that you like the comments and conversations idea. I really enjoy chatting with readers, and I like to showcase them. Very creative blog
Thank you so much.
snehal joshi: Superb round-up. 🙂
Looking forward to your posts.
I hope that you
find them interesting.
find them interesting.
H is for history
Martha: Very interesting history lesson
Alice! I learned more of Grand Island. Thanks for sharing.
Alice! I learned more of Grand Island. Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome.
Grand Island and Buffalo have quite the interesting story.
Grand Island and Buffalo have quite the interesting story.
Jeanine Byers: Wow, I love that picture
of the Buffalo Harbor! And I don’t think I knew that Grand Island was connected
or adjacent to Buffalo. Or, did I?
of the Buffalo Harbor! And I don’t think I knew that Grand Island was connected
or adjacent to Buffalo. Or, did I?
I am happy that
you liked seeing the Buffalo Harbor in its heyday! Grand Island is a large
island in the Niagara River, located between Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N.Y., and
Niagara Falls, Ontario.
you liked seeing the Buffalo Harbor in its heyday! Grand Island is a large
island in the Niagara River, located between Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N.Y., and
Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Jen: I think a big reason people don’t
like history is it brings to mind boring high school and college classes with
dry, boring teachers/professors who only wanted to get through the material and
didn’t really care about making it interesting. That’s been my experience
anyway. Although, with my family history, I love hearing stories from the past,
whether part of “official” history or just family history.
like history is it brings to mind boring high school and college classes with
dry, boring teachers/professors who only wanted to get through the material and
didn’t really care about making it interesting. That’s been my experience
anyway. Although, with my family history, I love hearing stories from the past,
whether part of “official” history or just family history.
I see two points
here. The first is the dull way in which history is often taught in high school
and college. Yes, that is a problem. So many people have lost interest in
history because they were not engaged in their history classes. There are two
reasons for that, in my opinion. The first is that history classes can get
bogged down in the memorization of dates, which is not fascinating. In addition, one of the main models for
teaching history is the “great man” theory. We are taught about kings and
queens and presidents. We don’t connect with those leaders at all. They are far
removed from us. And this is where the
second part of your comment comes in: your family history and the enjoyment of
it. You are hearing stories about people who are directly connected to you. It
gives you a sense of where you come from, and that is so fantastic. What if
history were taught that way: stories about the lives of ordinary people? People who may have had your type of job or who lived in your
community? How did they live? What was their medical care like? What were the schools like? Would getting a whole picture of life in different times of history and getting that feeling of connection make history feel more like STORY and
less like a bunch of disconnected facts?
here. The first is the dull way in which history is often taught in high school
and college. Yes, that is a problem. So many people have lost interest in
history because they were not engaged in their history classes. There are two
reasons for that, in my opinion. The first is that history classes can get
bogged down in the memorization of dates, which is not fascinating. In addition, one of the main models for
teaching history is the “great man” theory. We are taught about kings and
queens and presidents. We don’t connect with those leaders at all. They are far
removed from us. And this is where the
second part of your comment comes in: your family history and the enjoyment of
it. You are hearing stories about people who are directly connected to you. It
gives you a sense of where you come from, and that is so fantastic. What if
history were taught that way: stories about the lives of ordinary people? People who may have had your type of job or who lived in your
community? How did they live? What was their medical care like? What were the schools like? Would getting a whole picture of life in different times of history and getting that feeling of connection make history feel more like STORY and
less like a bunch of disconnected facts?
Shilpa Garg: I
like when you say that there is a story in History and it should not be only
dull drab facts. Interesting to know about Tongue Oil and Fingy. Thanks for
sharing, Alice 🙂
like when you say that there is a story in History and it should not be only
dull drab facts. Interesting to know about Tongue Oil and Fingy. Thanks for
sharing, Alice 🙂
You’re welcome,
Shilpa. Yes, I agree. Random facts and characters makes history far more
interesting. History is about people and, maybe, about odd stuff, such as Tongue Oil.
Shilpa. Yes, I agree. Random facts and characters makes history far more
interesting. History is about people and, maybe, about odd stuff, such as Tongue Oil. Somehow this simply
reminds me that Buffalo should stop reveling in its faded past and grab onto
its potentially fantastic future.
reminds me that Buffalo should stop reveling in its faded past and grab onto
its potentially fantastic future.
Alana: In a way, I agree with
Cerebrations – they used to teach children (like my son, when he was in school)
countless lessons about our area’s past, but very little encouraging them to
stay and give our area a future. At the same time, I love history – and I agree
it needs to be taught partially by true stories, and never by memorization of
dry facts.
Cerebrations – they used to teach children (like my son, when he was in school)
countless lessons about our area’s past, but very little encouraging them to
stay and give our area a future. At the same time, I love history – and I agree
it needs to be taught partially by true stories, and never by memorization of
dry facts.
Yes, I agree
with you and Cerebrations. Our area needs to celebrate its past and to look forward
to its future. I see continuity there. We can’t recreate the past but we can
make our future better by knowing what worked in the past and what didn’t. One
small example would be tree planting. In the past, the trend was to plant a
monoculture. That’s how we ended up with so many ash trees. Here in Grand
Island, anywhere from 35 to 60 percent of our trees are ash trees. And they are
infested with the emerald ash borer. The trees are dying. Monoculture doesn’t
work. We need to look forward to a future with a diverse collection of trees to
prevent that sort of disaster from happening again.
with you and Cerebrations. Our area needs to celebrate its past and to look forward
to its future. I see continuity there. We can’t recreate the past but we can
make our future better by knowing what worked in the past and what didn’t. One
small example would be tree planting. In the past, the trend was to plant a
monoculture. That’s how we ended up with so many ash trees. Here in Grand
Island, anywhere from 35 to 60 percent of our trees are ash trees. And they are
infested with the emerald ash borer. The trees are dying. Monoculture doesn’t
work. We need to look forward to a future with a diverse collection of trees to
prevent that sort of disaster from happening again.
Bonnie: And oh, gosh, I was all excited for a second
thinking I have friends who are restoring one of those steamboats, but I was
misremembering, the Columbia was in Detroit sailing to Bob-Lo Island. She’s in
Buffalo now, though, you might enjoy her history too.
thinking I have friends who are restoring one of those steamboats, but I was
misremembering, the Columbia was in Detroit sailing to Bob-Lo Island. She’s in
Buffalo now, though, you might enjoy her history too.
Thank you, Bonnie.
I’ll definitely look her up!
I’ll definitely look her up!
I is for ice I is for I,I,I- ice
floes in April!!!!
floes in April!!!!
Oh my.
Jeanine Byers said: You are right! The
chunks of ice are beautiful. Wow, you’re really doing it this month – on posts
like this one, where it’s clear you’re going to really have to look for it –
it’s a delight when you manage to find it.
chunks of ice are beautiful. Wow, you’re really doing it this month – on posts
like this one, where it’s clear you’re going to really have to look for it –
it’s a delight when you manage to find it.
Sometimes, it is
hard to catch and, when it’s there, it feels even more magical than ever.
hard to catch and, when it’s there, it feels even more magical than ever.
Elaine: It’s nice to see these beautiful
photos of nature! Coming from someone who used to be a place of snowy/icy
weather to the south where there is virtually no snow at all… lol, I am able
to step back and enjoy the beauty of icy weather.. Thank you for sharing your
photos of nature! Coming from someone who used to be a place of snowy/icy
weather to the south where there is virtually no snow at all… lol, I am able
to step back and enjoy the beauty of icy weather.. Thank you for sharing your
You’re welcome.
The best kind of adventure is a shared adventure.
The best kind of adventure is a shared adventure.
Lily Leung: Lovely photos, Alice. Nature
can be nasty but beautiful. What a strange and long winter. I wish and hope for
spring soon.
can be nasty but beautiful. What a strange and long winter. I wish and hope for
spring soon.
I couldn’t agree
more. This winter is starting to feel endless. I refuse to say the “S” word
anymore. It has become s**w. It is no longer welcome. I hope that we can enjoy
a lovely spring soon.
more. This winter is starting to feel endless. I refuse to say the “S” word
anymore. It has become s**w. It is no longer welcome. I hope that we can enjoy
a lovely spring soon.
The Gratitude Guru: I is for “I
can’t believe we are in Spring” – It feels a lot like winter still! The
warmer weather is on its way, and all the ice will be quickly forgotten!
can’t believe we are in Spring” – It feels a lot like winter still! The
warmer weather is on its way, and all the ice will be quickly forgotten!
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, it does. The
weather has been more appalling than appealing. I am hopeful that will change…
soon maybe?
weather has been more appalling than appealing. I am hopeful that will change…
soon maybe?
Nabanita: How the weather has changed
around the world. It’s April and still feels like winter, doesn’t it?
around the world. It’s April and still feels like winter, doesn’t it?
It does. Last year, Buffalo had beautiful cherry
blossoms at the end of April. I think that it will be sometime in May before
the cherry trees show their beautiful blossoms.
blossoms at the end of April. I think that it will be sometime in May before
the cherry trees show their beautiful blossoms.
Shilpa Garg: Floating chunks of ice must
be fascinating to watch. You have captured them so beautifully too. Thanks for
sharing, Alice!
be fascinating to watch. You have captured them so beautifully too. Thanks for
sharing, Alice!
You’re welcome,
Shilpa. The ice was quite fascinating to watch. It was amazing because there
was so much ice. I was amazed by how photogenic the ice really was.
Shilpa. The ice was quite fascinating to watch. It was amazing because there
was so much ice. I was amazed by how photogenic the ice really was.
keithaw2k: April so far over here in the
UK has also been wintery – wet rather than ice though.
UK has also been wintery – wet rather than ice though.
The forecast for next week is warm and
sunny – how about that?
sunny – how about that?
That sounds
Alana: I remember the ice breakup we used
to have on the shallow Chenango River each spring when I first moved to the
Binghamton area in the mid 1980’s That was a sight to see and if I had only
known that it would be a rare sight one day, I would have taken a picture (with
film, of course). Remember the days when we couldn’t take hundreds and hundreds
of pictures unless you were a millionaire? Ice on trees is so pretty,
too-pretty and deadly.
to have on the shallow Chenango River each spring when I first moved to the
Binghamton area in the mid 1980’s That was a sight to see and if I had only
known that it would be a rare sight one day, I would have taken a picture (with
film, of course). Remember the days when we couldn’t take hundreds and hundreds
of pictures unless you were a millionaire? Ice on trees is so pretty,
too-pretty and deadly.
Ice on trees is
an amazingly beautiful sight but… yes, scary. And, yes, I remember the days
when we used up a roll of film and that was it. That’s what I love about
digital. I can take so many pictures… and delete all of the bad ones… instead
of having the mistakes printed for me to look at forever.
an amazingly beautiful sight but… yes, scary. And, yes, I remember the days
when we used up a roll of film and that was it. That’s what I love about
digital. I can take so many pictures… and delete all of the bad ones… instead
of having the mistakes printed for me to look at forever.
Martha: Beautiful pictures Alice! How the
ice chunks brought back memories from when we lived in upstate New York. It was
super cold but enjoyed the great photos that we were able to take.
ice chunks brought back memories from when we lived in upstate New York. It was
super cold but enjoyed the great photos that we were able to take.
It was very cold
and I had to step carefully when I nearly stopped right into a frozen puddle.
and I had to step carefully when I nearly stopped right into a frozen puddle.
J is for the joy of being human
![]() |
this is the picture that i didn’t post: the joy of creativity |
Rashmi Agarwal: This is lovely:)
Damyanti: A collage of joy. How lovely!
Thank you very
much, Rashmi and Damyanti.
much, Rashmi and Damyanti.
Lady In Read: and I remember the stories
too that you told with these pictures.. thank you for sharing the joy
too that you told with these pictures.. thank you for sharing the joy
Thank you for
reading my stories, and I am happy to share the joy with you.
reading my stories, and I am happy to share the joy with you.
Alana: This is a lovely idea – and, as
Lady in Read said, lots of stories accompany these pictures, from your various
walks and actions.
Lady in Read said, lots of stories accompany these pictures, from your various
walks and actions.
Thank you, Alana.
I am happy that you enjoyed the pictures and the stories that had gone with
I am happy that you enjoyed the pictures and the stories that had gone with
Shilpa Garg: They say, as long as you
live keep smiling because it brightens everybody’s day. It’s always wonderful
to see happy smiles. Thanks for spreading some cheer at my end, too, Alice. 🙂
live keep smiling because it brightens everybody’s day. It’s always wonderful
to see happy smiles. Thanks for spreading some cheer at my end, too, Alice. 🙂
You’re very
sweet, Shilpa. I am happy to send the cheer in your direction.
sweet, Shilpa. I am happy to send the cheer in your direction.
Shirley Corder: Lots
of lovely happy smiles! Thanks for sharing. Next in the #atoz challege: M is
for Music and how it can improve your life and your mind.
of lovely happy smiles! Thanks for sharing. Next in the #atoz challege: M is
for Music and how it can improve your life and your mind.
I’m happy to
share and I agree that music can improve your life and your mind. Right now, as
I work on this blog post, I am listening to a selection of music by Andrew
Lloyd Webber that’s streaming from my phone. It’s uplifting and happy music.
share and I agree that music can improve your life and your mind. Right now, as
I work on this blog post, I am listening to a selection of music by Andrew
Lloyd Webber that’s streaming from my phone. It’s uplifting and happy music.
Su-sieee! Mac: A joyful homage to joy.
I am happy that
the pictures made you happy.
the pictures made you happy.
Jeanine Byers: Neat! I see what you mean
about the joy.
about the joy.
Thank you,
K is for kitchen
Alana: I love those canned peanuts. If
you go into one of the stores, they have so many kinds, and you can sample them
(none of those stores around here, but I think there is one in Savannah, GA,
not that that helps us). I love peanut sauce on pasta and using peanut butter
in marinades, with soy sauce and garlic.
you go into one of the stores, they have so many kinds, and you can sample them
(none of those stores around here, but I think there is one in Savannah, GA,
not that that helps us). I love peanut sauce on pasta and using peanut butter
in marinades, with soy sauce and garlic.
I am still so
happy with the peanuts! I like other nuts, too. Last week, I went shopping and
bought almost two cups’ worth of almonds. Yesterday, I made almond butter, and I’m
planning on making a pasta or rice dish with vegetables and almond butter.
happy with the peanuts! I like other nuts, too. Last week, I went shopping and
bought almost two cups’ worth of almonds. Yesterday, I made almond butter, and I’m
planning on making a pasta or rice dish with vegetables and almond butter.
Jeanine Byers said: I don’t know about
peanut butter in a sauce or on other dishes, but I also like my food mild. Or,
I should say, my tummy prefers it that way. Glad you made yourself something
peanut butter in a sauce or on other dishes, but I also like my food mild. Or,
I should say, my tummy prefers it that way. Glad you made yourself something
I understand
completely. I’m definitely with you there. Or I should say, my tummy is. My
tummy and my taste buds both prefer my food mild. If I were to serve the peanut
butter yummies to other people, I would probably offer them a bottle of hot
sauce so that they could choose the spiciness of their food.
completely. I’m definitely with you there. Or I should say, my tummy is. My
tummy and my taste buds both prefer my food mild. If I were to serve the peanut
butter yummies to other people, I would probably offer them a bottle of hot
sauce so that they could choose the spiciness of their food.
Martha: Congrats
on winning and always making peanut butter! That is so cool and love the photo
and the little bear checking it out!
on winning and always making peanut butter! That is so cool and love the photo
and the little bear checking it out!
Peanut butter is
so much fun to make! I’m glad that you like the Inspector Bear!
so much fun to make! I’m glad that you like the Inspector Bear!
Rajlakshmi: You are so resourceful. I
could have never figured out what to do with so many peanuts. The pasta looks
good, it must have tasted great with peanut sauce. I have never tried that
combination before. Maybe I should give it a try.
could have never figured out what to do with so many peanuts. The pasta looks
good, it must have tasted great with peanut sauce. I have never tried that
combination before. Maybe I should give it a try.
I definitely
recommend that you try it. It tastes great and you can eat it mild or spicy,
whichever you like best.
recommend that you try it. It tastes great and you can eat it mild or spicy,
whichever you like best.
L is for lucky little lull
Jeanine Byers: Oh, cool!
I was in Joseph
and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat during the summer between high school and
college. I didn’t have a “role” but was among the background crowd.
As was usual for plays and musicals I did with The Little Theater for Children.
Sounds like you had a neat day.
That sounds like
fun. I was always in the chorus, too. And that was fun. Scary, though, in the
operas. In one opera, I had to sing a high C while on my knees. That was… um…
unique. Fortunately, I was a chorus member because… um… I sound like a drunken
mouse when I sing that high, lol.
fun. I was always in the chorus, too. And that was fun. Scary, though, in the
operas. In one opera, I had to sing a high C while on my knees. That was… um…
unique. Fortunately, I was a chorus member because… um… I sound like a drunken
mouse when I sing that high, lol.
Yvona: Good soup is never bad… always
Mmm. Soup is
always good. I found a cookbook that is all soup recipes. I’m looking forward
to trying more soups.
always good. I found a cookbook that is all soup recipes. I’m looking forward
to trying more soups.
The Gratitude Guru: It will be SPring
soon here in NJ as well! We were in the 80s yesterday and today down in the
40s! What the heck?!?
soon here in NJ as well! We were in the 80s yesterday and today down in the
40s! What the heck?!?
One good thing…. Soup! Just like you
said. Thanks for sharing.
said. Thanks for sharing.
Soup! In all
seasons! Even winter-spring. Warm, thick soups in the winter, and cold soups in the summer! Soup is
always on!
seasons! Even winter-spring. Warm, thick soups in the winter, and cold soups in the summer! Soup is
always on!
Nabanita: Looks like you made the most of
your day. Your post wants me to go get some mushrooms and do some cooking ! 🙂
your day. Your post wants me to go get some mushrooms and do some cooking ! 🙂
Go for it, Nabanita!
What kind of mushrooms are your favorites?
What kind of mushrooms are your favorites?
Lady In Read: that soup sure sounds like
something i would love…. and the book has been on my bookshelf for me to read
for a while now.. maybe will get it out to read it now.
something i would love…. and the book has been on my bookshelf for me to read
for a while now.. maybe will get it out to read it now.
Soup and a book.
What could be better? Enjoy!
What could be better? Enjoy!
Bellybytes: I thought Winter was over!
Lucky you had something to keep the blues away.
Lucky you had something to keep the blues away.
Winter doesn’t
want to leave. Stubborn little creature. It kept me inside but, fortunately, I
was entertained.
want to leave. Stubborn little creature. It kept me inside but, fortunately, I
was entertained. Glad you found things
of use and fun to keep you busy when you were iced in.
of use and fun to keep you busy when you were iced in.
I wasn’t bored
and it was safer than sliding on the driveway!
and it was safer than sliding on the driveway!
My name is Chien: A very relaxing day should last a tad longer
than regular days don’t you think? Enjoy lull days. 🙂
than regular days don’t you think? Enjoy lull days. 🙂
I agree. My
relaxation was enforced by an ice storm but, every now and then, a relaxing
lull day is a good thing to experience.
relaxation was enforced by an ice storm but, every now and then, a relaxing
lull day is a good thing to experience.
M is for market
Shilpa Garg: Buying from Farmer’s Market
is so good.
is so good.
Not only are the products fresh, seasonal and home made but are
economical too. The best is that you are supporting the local community. 🙂
I’m glad that
you enjoy farmers markets, as well. I also see a great benefit in supporting
local agriculture.
you enjoy farmers markets, as well. I also see a great benefit in supporting
local agriculture.
Shirley Corder said: I love shopping at a
Farmer’s Market. We used to attend one regularly when we visited my son and
family in a town some four hours away, but they have now moved. So I’m glad you
mentioned this. I must look for one in our own town. Next in A to Z Challenge:
O is for Take every Opportunity to improve your life, improve your mind.
Farmer’s Market. We used to attend one regularly when we visited my son and
family in a town some four hours away, but they have now moved. So I’m glad you
mentioned this. I must look for one in our own town. Next in A to Z Challenge:
O is for Take every Opportunity to improve your life, improve your mind.
I hope that you
find a good farmers market in your own town and that you get an opportunity to
see your son and his family in their new community.
find a good farmers market in your own town and that you get an opportunity to
see your son and his family in their new community.
Jeanine Byers said: I agree, happiness is
beautiful! And just so you know, I’m craving pancakes now.
beautiful! And just so you know, I’m craving pancakes now.
Oh my. The power
of suggestion. All of a sudden, pancakes sound delicious. Of course, with that
lovely Western New York maple syrup!
of suggestion. All of a sudden, pancakes sound delicious. Of course, with that
lovely Western New York maple syrup!
bookworm said: I love going to the
farmers markets wherever I travel. And, of course, at home. We are so
fortunate, in New York State.
farmers markets wherever I travel. And, of course, at home. We are so
fortunate, in New York State.
We are fortunate
in New York State. The weather is atrocious, but there are still good things to
be found in a farmers market. In a few months, there will be produce. I have a
small share in a local farm (community supported agriculture), and I am looking
forward to the variety of produce that will come to me in a box, as well as to finding cool recipes in my favorite cookbook, the internet.
in New York State. The weather is atrocious, but there are still good things to
be found in a farmers market. In a few months, there will be produce. I have a
small share in a local farm (community supported agriculture), and I am looking
forward to the variety of produce that will come to me in a box, as well as to finding cool recipes in my favorite cookbook, the internet.
Faeriembassy: it is a great way to shop
for Thanks for sharing. food at a farmers market – being able to have a
personal relationship with the producer makes all the difference.
for Thanks for sharing. food at a farmers market – being able to have a
personal relationship with the producer makes all the difference.
It does. One of
the best things is developing relationships with the farmers. Knowing where the
food comes from is definitely a benefit.
the best things is developing relationships with the farmers. Knowing where the
food comes from is definitely a benefit. It used to be that
going to the farmer’s market meant you got the freshest items at reasonable
prices. Now, you see elevated prices- and, to be honest, a bunch of stuff that
makes one wonder how they came off the farm.
going to the farmer’s market meant you got the freshest items at reasonable
prices. Now, you see elevated prices- and, to be honest, a bunch of stuff that
makes one wonder how they came off the farm.
I pine for real farmer’s markets. (The
best I can generally find is a roadside market by a farm that I am passing.)
best I can generally find is a roadside market by a farm that I am passing.)
I hope that you
find a good farmers market near you. Our farmers market offers much more fresh
produce when it’s in season. Right now, we have eggs and maple syrup and honey,
which are the best choices. Roadside stands are always good. They are a real
treat and you can find good stuff there.
find a good farmers market near you. Our farmers market offers much more fresh
produce when it’s in season. Right now, we have eggs and maple syrup and honey,
which are the best choices. Roadside stands are always good. They are a real
treat and you can find good stuff there.
absolutely LOVE farmer’s markets.
every saturday!
Wow! Comments and Conversations… This is such a fabulous idea, Alice, I am seeing of this kind for the first time. I loved reading everyone's comments and your responses on your AtoZ posts. Thanks for a very interesting read and a cool idea 🙂
Once again, I loved reading your comments & responses!! And I so agree with you about history. When I studied some of the same stories as a homeschool teacher, teaching it as a story & imagining what they might have thought & felt, and then, thinking of what impact the events might have had on who we are or how we think today turned what could be boring into something very interesting.
Oh wow, this is such a fabulous idea for a post. I loved every bit and loved that my comment was there too. Such, such unique post. Thank you for this 🙂