Today, I did my last gardening job for the year. My task for the morning was to plant bulbs. Usually, gardening work offers the opportunity for instant gratification. You dig weeds and prune shrubbery. Once you remove the refuse, you see results right away. There is no reason to wait.
With bulb planting, it is a different story. The gratification is delayed. The bulbs are planted in the spring and, then, you have to wait all winter to see results. Fortunately, for me, I tend to be easily distracted so I don’t spend all winter wondering what color my crocuses might turn out to be or if any of the bulbs that I planted might turn out to be a delicacy for deer. And speaking of deer, I plant with them in mind. I don’t plant any tulips. The deer love to eat tulip bulbs. If they don’t polish off the bulbs, they get pretty excited about eating the flowers. I suppose that deer like tulips as much as humans love chocolate.
So, yes. Delayed gratification. Feeling hope all winter. Hope that the snows will come and hope that the snows will go. Hope that the lovely green shoots of late winter will poke through the hard ground and bring color back to a monochromatic world.
Hope never dies. For millennia, there has always been hope, even though it is shut up in a box and is, sometimes, hard to find. According to Greek mythology, the first woman on Earth was Pandora. She was actually created by Zeus as a punishment to humans. Zeus was angry because Prometheus stole fire to give to humans. Pandora was given the traits of deceitfulness, stubbornness, and curiosity. She was also given a box and was instructed never to open that box. Pandora really did try hard not to open the box. Eventually, her curiosity became too much. She peeked inside the box. When she opened that box, she accidentally let out all sorts of bad stuff: disease, poverty, war, death, sadness, and misery. Pandora, who thought that the box would be filled with fine cloths and exquisite jewelry, was horrified. She quickly shut the box but it was too late. All of the ills contained in the box had fluttered away to torment the world.
Hope is a great word for 2017, goodness knows we need to hang on to something.
It's a good word, Alice. As a student of history, I am not too happy right now. Perhaps I should adopt this word, too, but maybe more along the lines of "hope for the best, but don't expect it".