my Florida adventure, part two

Today, we went to Tarpon Springs, which is famous for sponges and Greek food and fishing boats. It’s a scenic town and a pleasant place to take a walk with friends, have a nice lunch at a Greek restaurant, and buy souvenirs.

There are some really fun things to see, like my new boyfriend, pictured above. Isn’t he handsome? And he’s a sharp dresser, too. He is definitely a catch.

There were many places to explore and so many little stores. I never saw any pirates or mermaids, but there were fun images of all sorts of things.

We were looking for manatees, but, alas, we found none. We were told that the manatees had visited the beaches a week or so before, when it was cooler.

The beach was pretty, with warm sand and tiny seashells.
The trees here seemed to be mostly palm trees and live oaks. I know that palm trees are actually grasses, but they are tall and are seen as trees, for the most part.

We also visited a park in Tarpon Springs. The water was glistening and we saw birds, but no manatees.

We then traveled to a beach called Treasure Island. It was full of seashells. So many seashells . I had really never seen so many in one place until I came to Treasure Island.
And, with the sun setting, the temperature was starting to go down and to bring an end to a wonderful day of fun in the sun.

Good night, sun. Hello, moon. Hello, stars. Time to sleep. Tomorrow will bring new adventures.

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