Just bee-you-tiful

It’s the first day of the third Ultimate Blogging Challenge of the year, and I’m sharing stories and pictures about my adventures, the beauty of the outdoors, and more! Today, it’s all about bees and poetry! What’s it about for you today? Please share in the comments section.

I sit quietly
in a world of busy-ness
in a peace filled space.
As you madly take pictures,
so happy to see a bee.

Sit on the milkweed
And quietly observe life
Early summer joy

9 thoughts on “Just bee-you-tiful”

  1. Hi! For me, I have multiple things I need to do for my upcoming book release. Just getting some of those things off my list would be amazing!

    Your pictures are lovely!

    Have a beautiful day!

  2. Your photos are absolutely beautiful! I love bee-ing outside in nature and quietly watching the birds and the bees. Especially the little hummingbirds that frequent my garden. I look forward to seeing the rest of the months photos. Thank you.

  3. Welcome back to the UBC and what a bee-u-T-ful poem! As for me, my blog is just a little introduction and a bit about a trip planned to visit my grandson this Friday!

  4. Oh, wow! What bee-yoo-tiful pictures!! 🙂 For me, today is about excitement to be starting a new blog challenge, even though I am a bit under the weather today.

  5. Bees and poetry sound fantastic! I am canning soup with veggies from my garden, and I am thankful for a nice breezy day in the low 80’s. It can get so hot in here!! Good luck on the challenge. I hope that is going well for you.

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