J is for journey

Today, I am joining the walk for a nuclear free future. I will walk with the group from Buffalo to the Seneca Nation of Indians’ Cattaraugus territory. It is a distance of 71 miles. We will arrive at our destination on Wednesday. Many of the walkers will take a train to Albany on Thursday, but I will go home. Their goal is to arrive in New York City in time for the United Nations’ discussion of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

I am happy to have the opportunity to do the “Buffalo” portion of the walk. It should be an interesting experience. Since I am going “low-tech,” I will have nothing but a journal and camera with which to record my adventure. No computer. Therefore, I will be offline until Thursday, when I will start to catch up with my blogging. At that point, I will begin to share stories and pictures of the 71 mile walk.

Thank you for reading my stories and I will see you all when I come back home!

4 thoughts on “J is for journey”

  1. love the low tech thing, that's me most of the days when I'm travelling πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ I mean I have my cellphone just for emergencies πŸ˜€

  2. Good luck, Alice. A noble cause, indeed. the low-tech version is the best – I think you can record so much more with your eyes and thoughts and your camera and journal should help you capture the moments beautifully.

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