Gardens and poetry

Today, I am going to share a few images from the Grand Island Garden Walk, which was held on July 14th, as well as a few poems about gardens. Gardens are beautiful, and they inspire the imagination and emotions of poets.

I mind me in the days departed
How often underneath the sun
with childish bounds I used to run
to a garden long deserted

~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The gardener does not love to talk
He makes me keep the gravel walk
And when he puts his tools away
He locks the door and takes the key

-Robert Louis Stevenson
Fireflies in the Garden

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies.
And here on earth come emulating flies
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very starlike start
Only, of course, they can’t sustain the part.

Robert Frost

2 thoughts on “Gardens and poetry”

  1. Your flower photos are like a breath of spring, or maybe I should say summer air! So beautiful and I can almost smell the lily. Thanks for sharing such beauty Alice.

  2. Your photos are fantastic! Your poems are excellent, too. This is one of my favorite Robert Frost poems, “Fireflyes in the garden” Thank you.

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