It’s day 19 of both the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and Inktober. Today’s prompt is “ridge.”

The bears continued their walk, singing songs of sleepy hibernations and happy spring awakenings as they traveled. They looked in the distance and could see mountains.
“Those ridges don’t look too far away,” Baby Bear said hopefully. “I can’t wait to see the mountains and to climb.”
“Climbing will be fun for you,” said Momma Bear. “Oh, look!”
At that moment, a condor landed at Baby Bear’s feet. Startled, Baby Bear jumped and squeaked, which was a very uncharacteristic sound for a bear, even a young one, to make.
“Oh, hello,” said Baby Bear, cheerfully.
“Am I the first condor you’ve ever met?” ask the condor.
“Yes, no condor has ever spoken to me,” said Baby Bear. “But I am sure that you won’t be the last. I hope someday to travel far on a great sailing ship. Then I will see the condors.”
“Well, no,” said the condor. “You’re more likely to see frigate birds. They fly long distances over the ocean and they catch the fish that only swim in the sea.”
“Well,” said Baby Bear. “I want to be a frigate bird, too, so I can fly out to see and catch fish.”
“No,” said the condor. “You are a bear with dreams. You can be anything in your imagination, but, in reality, you will always be a bear and that’s a good thing to be.”
“Oh,” said Baby Bear. “I wanted to be a wolf but I couldn’t howl at the moon with the pretty wolf songs, so I was told that I couldn’t be a wolf. I wanted to be a butterfly, but I couldn’t spread my wings and fly. I guess I really want to have different adventures and see the world in another way.”
“You will,” said the condor. “And you will do it in your way and your time. Look up ahead at the mountains. Is that where you’re going? You’re almost there. The mountains are tall and majestic. There are creeks for you to drink from.”
Baby Bear saw the mountains, looming ahead. He noticed that the ridges were very close and looked sharp and well defined and that, maybe, he could climb to the top.
“I want to climb to the top,” said Baby Bear.
“Yes, if you want it, you can make it happen,” said the condor. “I will meet you there. Come see me and I will have something for you.”
And, with that, the condor flew away.
Wow, what a beautifully written reflection on the wonders of flight, Alice The way I read and interpret this, the metaphor of soaring high like a bird is truly inspiring. I loved how you connected the freedom of flying with the endless possibilities in life. It felt like a gentle reminder to embrace the opportunities that come our way and to rise above challenges. Such a joyful and uplifting read!
Thank you for your insights, Paul. They mean a lot to me.
The condor sounds very smart and helpful to Baby Bear. I can’t wait to see what happens when he gets to the mountains. Sorry I’m a day late in reading!
Thank you so much! A day late is fine!!!