F is for finding my hopes

Tomorrow, I’m going off with my family in pursuit of an eclipse. We need to chase it down because it’s not looking promising here in Western New York. The weather forecast, as of 10:32 EDT, is for cloudy conditions all day. We will be headed west and it will be an adventure to find a good view of the eclipse. Watching an eclipse unfold firsthand is something that’s been on my bucket list for a very long time.

The idea of the sky suddenly growing dark in the middle of the day is amazing and mysterious. I love the nighttime because it is the time of random sounds and of twinkling stars. It is the time when Santa Claus comes to deliver gifts to the entire world. It is when, before the streetlights come on, you can see the face on the moon. It is the time of happiness, of fear, of dreams, and of stories. And so, off I will go in pursuit of those dreams and stories. And, somewhere, I will find my hopes for this experience.

6 thoughts on “F is for finding my hopes”

  1. I heard that New Yorkers are getting an earthquake AND a solar eclipse within the same week. Hope it’ll be exactly as you’re picturing it!

  2. Your pictures is so apt – very well chosen! Yes a fascinating event, the eclipse. I am looking out for it, but of couse it happens in the blink of the eye, I could easily miss it! If you do happen to take any photos of the eclipse, please do share! alice 🙂

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