Early on expedition day…

Day 24 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and Inktober. Today’s prompt is expedition.

Baby Bear woke up early and saw the sun rising from behind the mountains. The sky’s colors looked like the sea, but it wasn’t the sea; it was the colorful sky.

Baby Bear thought, “Someday, I will be on a great ship, and I will watch the sun rise over the sea every day. It will be wonderful and magical. Even in a storm, it will be magical.”

Soon, the expedition to the camp at the base of the mountains would start. And then, Baby Bear would be given the name that would be his and only his.

Baby Bear heard noise in the distance. It didn’t sound like bears. What was happening? Was it humans? It sounded like singing, but not the musical singing of the wolves. It was discordant and a little frightening. Or maybe it wasn’t humans. There weren’t very many humans near these mountains. The only humans Baby Bear had seen in the mountainous region were the boy, the girl human and a few adults. The sound was something else, unlike anything Baby Bear had ever heard. Well, maybe once or twice. When it came, the birds left. And, today, Baby Bear watched as large groups of small birds began to fly away. What if it was a storm? The sound was coming from far away. Baby Bear looked around, and he saw that the other bears were still happily asleep. It was almost time for everyone to waken and get ready for the walk.

The sound was beginning to get closer…

5 thoughts on “Early on expedition day…”

  1. This is such a sweet and magical story! Baby Bear’s dreams and his courage to explore make him such a lovable character. I can’t wait to see what that mysterious sound is and what lies ahead for him on this expedition!

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